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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size18.5cm / 7.28inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 25°C / 77.00°F

General Description

Synodontis Waterloti is an uncommonly imported species of Syno with serrated edges on its pectoral fins. It displays vibrant coloration over a light substrate and can grow up to 18.5cm in size. This fish is native to regions including Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, GuineaBissau, Sierra Leone, and Ghana.

Aquarium Setup

For Synodontis Waterloti, a tank of at least 80 litres with soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, and twisted roots for hiding spots is recommended. Floating plants help diffuse light, and additional vegetation is beneficial. Optimal water conditions include a pH range of 6.5-7.5, hardness of 5-15°dH, and a temperature between 23-25°C (see table).


This species tends to become slightly territorial as it matures, especially towards other Synodontis. Although it can display aggression, it is usually less pronounced compared to other members of the genus. Suitable tank mates include Alestiid tetras, robust cichlids, Mormyrids, Knifefish, Gouramis, and larger rasboras and barbs. It is advised not to keep these fish with species small enough to be considered food due to their adult size.

Feeding and Diet

Synodontis Waterloti is an omnivorous fish that accepts frozen, live, and dried foods. They also enjoy vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumber, which they rasp with their lower jaw teeth.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of Synodontis Waterloti has not been recorded in aquarium settings. Sexual dimorphism is observed in the species, with adult females being plumper than males. To differentiate between sexes, one can examine the genital papillae, although this method requires careful handling to avoid injury. Most medium/large Synodontis species can be sexed following this technique.

Habitat and Distribution

The native habitat of Synodontis Waterloti includes Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, GuineaBissau, Sierra Leone, and Ghana. They are commonly found in regions with suitable water conditions resembling those recommended in aquarium setups.


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