Fresh Water

Bagarius Bagarius

Siluriformes Print

Family: Sisoridae
Synonym Names: Pimelodus bagarius Hamilton, Pimelodus carnaticus Jerdon, Bagarius buchanani Bleeker
Classification Order: Siluriformes

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Minimum Tank Size10000 litres / 2641.72 US gallons
Maximum Size200.0cm / 78.74inches

General Description

There is ongoing confusion regarding the classification of Bagarius Bagarius, with the species possibly capable of reaching lengths up to 2 meters. It is differentiated from other congeners by specific physical characteristics such as the presence of elongate unculiferous plaques on the cranium and predorsal plate. The genus Bagarius stands out in the Sisoridae subfamily due to its markedly heterodont teeth in the lower jaw.

Aquarium Setup

Bagarius Bagarius thrives best in a setup with dim lighting and access to refuges like driftwood, large rocks, or plastic piping. To ensure their well-being, a sizeable, mature filter system, regular water changes of 50-70% tank volume weekly, and the provision of highly-oxygenated water with ample movement are recommended.


Bagarius Bagarius is best kept alone in an aquarium setting. They tend to seek shelter among boulders and large rocks in fast-flowing, turbulent rapids in their natural habitat.

Feeding and Diet

This species is an obligate predator, preying on smaller fishes, amphibians, crustaceans, and other invertebrates in the wild. In captivity, they readily adapt to consuming dead alternatives. Young B. Bagarius can be fed chironomid larvae, small earthworms, chopped prawn, and similar foods, while adults accept fish flesh, prawns, mussels, and earthworms. Care should be taken not to feed them mammalian or avian meat, as it may lead to health issues.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information regarding the reproduction of Bagarius Bagarius is currently unrecorded.

Habitat and Distribution

Bagarius Bagarius is primarily found in larger river channels, particularly in fast-flowing and turbulent rapids across regions such as Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia. The distribution of this species is believed to be disjointed, with ongoing research likely to reveal more insights into its actual range.


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