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Minimum Tank Size400 litres / 105.67 US gallons
Maximum Size10.2cm / 4.02inches
Care DescriptionModerate
Temperature22.8°C / 73.04°F - 27.8°C / 82.04°F
Carbonate Hardness2-15

General Description

The Glass Knifefish, scientifically known as Eigenmannia virescens, is a popular choice for enthusiasts of exotic aquarium fish due to its distinctive transparent appearance and tranquil nature. Belonging to the Sternopygidae family, these fish can reach up to 10.2 centimeters in size and are often referred to as Green Knifefish, owing to their slight green tint. Specially adapted for nocturnal activities, Glass Knifefish possess a notable weak electrical organ, a trait common in the Gymnotiformes order, aiding them in navigating murky waters.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, Glass Knifefish require a tank size of at least 400 liters (100 gallons) due to their potential size growth in captivity. Setting up a well-planted aquarium with numerous hiding spots among rocks and plants is ideal. These fish prefer subdued lighting, so providing floating plants for cover or using dim lighting is recommended. Considering their social nature, keeping multiple Glass Knifefish together in the tank is advisable.


Glass Knifefish are known for their peaceful temperament, making them compatible with a variety of tankmates. They are highly social within their species, thriving in group settings. As nocturnal creatures, they are more active during the night, displaying interesting behaviors when the tank lights are dimmed.

Feeding and Diet

As omnivores, Glass Knifefish require a diverse diet to thrive. Their meals should consist of a mix of live and frozen foods, including pellets, flakes, tubifex, shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Providing a varied diet ensures they receive essential nutrients for their overall health and well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Glass Knifefish in a home aquarium can be challenging as it often involves simulating conditions that mimic the rainy season in their native habitat to encourage spawning. These fish lay their eggs in plants, but successful fry raising may require the separation of either the offspring or the parents into a separate breeding tank.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to South America, Glass Knifefish are found in the dark waters of their homeland. They are commonly located in regions where there is ample vegetation and cover for protection. Thriving in habitats with a pH range of 6.0-7.0, the water temperature should be maintained between 22.8-27.8 degrees Celsius (73-82 degrees Fahrenheit), with a carbonate hardness level (KH) between 2-15.


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