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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

Puffer fish, known for their ability to inflate their elastic stomachs with water or air as a defense mechanism, have various interesting adaptations. They possess beak-like mouthparts used to crush shelled invertebrates, their preferred food. The species Tetraodon Biocellatus, commonly known as the Figure Eight Puffer, presents distinct characteristics, including the capability to blink, adding to its charismatic qualities. These fish also carry the potent neurotoxin tetrodoxin, found in parts of their bodies, making them a challenging but captivating species to keep.

Aquarium Setup

The Figure Eight Puffer thrives in a heavily planted tank with ample cover provided by twisted roots and branches. While soft-leaved plants might be at risk of being chewed, creating open swimming spaces within the aquarium is essential as these fish are active swimmers. A sandy substrate, along with floating plants to diffuse light, is recommended. Regular partial water changes are crucial due to their sensitivity to deteriorating water conditions. Although predominantly a freshwater species, introducing marine salt to achieve a specific gravity of around 1.005 in the aquarium can enhance their longevity.


Figure Eight Puffers can coexist in community tanks, but caution is advised when selecting tankmates due to their tendency to nip at the fins of slow-moving or long-finned fish. They fare well with fast-moving species like characins, rasboras, and barbs in freshwater setups. In brackish environments, suitable companions include monos, bumblebee gobies, and salt-tolerant Chanda species. While these puffers can live alongside conspecifics in adequately spacious tanks, studies suggest that specimens kept individually tend to have longer lifespans in captivity. When considering more than one puffer, acquiring a group of at least four can help dissipate aggression within the group.

Feeding and Diet

Figure Eight Puffers have a diverse diet, relishing various shellfish, worms, and other live and frozen foods. Regularly offering snails and unshelled shellfish, such as crab legs and prawns, is crucial to maintain their sharp teeth, which continuously grow and may lead to issues if not worn down. The species' dietary requirements make it essential to cater to their need for varied and specialized food sources.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the breeding habits of Figure Eight Puffers in captivity is limited. Believed to be substrate spawners, males likely exhibit some level of brood care. Sexual dimorphism is almost impossible to determine externally, with adult females potentially growing larger than males, making visual distinctions challenging.

Habitat and Distribution

Tetraodon Biocellatus, commonly found in Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, inhabits rivers and coastal waters. While primarily located in freshwater environments, this species also thrives in brackish conditions, showcasing its adaptability to diverse habitats.


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