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Minimum Tank Size110 litres / 29.06 US gallons
Maximum Size17.0cm / 6.69inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Puffer fish, scientifically known as Tetraodon Nigroviridis, have the ability to inflate their elastic stomachs with water or air, a defense mechanism against threats. They are commonly referred to as puffers, with the ability to scare off predators by enlarging their size significantly. These fish contain tetrodoxin, a potent neurotoxin similar to that of the blue-ringed octopus, making them dangerous to predators and humans alike. The green spotted puffer is often mistaken for other similar species but can be distinguished by its rounded shape and lack of belly spines. While considered an ideal beginner's puffer, it is not suited for general community tanks due to its specific care requirements.

Aquarium Setup

The green spotted puffer thrives in a heavily planted tank with twisted roots and branches for cover, although soft-leaved plants may be nibbled on. Providing open spaces for swimming is essential as these fish are highly active. A sandy substrate and floating plants for light diffusion are recommended. Regular water changes are crucial due to their sensitivity to water conditions. While they can be kept in freshwater, adding marine salt to achieve a specific gravity of around 1.005 tends to increase their longevity.


These puffers can be housed in community tanks but require careful selection of tank mates due to their tendency to nip fins, especially those of slow or long-finned fish. Older individuals may become spiteful, so robust and active species like scats, archerfish, and Arius catfish make suitable companions. It's advised to keep only one puffer per tank unless ample space is provided, as they are known to be aggressive towards their kind. Keeping a group of at least four individuals can help disperse aggression, with plenty of hiding spaces in the tank.

Feeding and Diet

Green spotted puffers enjoy a diet consisting of shellfish, worms, and other live or frozen foods. Regular feeding of snails and unshelled shellfish helps maintain their teeth, which grow continuously and can cause issues if not worn down. They relish a variety of shellfish and should be fed appropriately to prevent dental problems.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproducing green spotted puffers in aquariums is challenging but possible in brackish water conditions. Flat rock surfaces are needed for potential spawning sites, where males guard the eggs laid on the substrate. After hatching in approximately 7 days, the fry are moved to a pre-excavated pit where they are protected by the male. Raising the fry is difficult, with Cyclops nauplii sometimes being a successful food source. Sexing these puffers based on external characteristics is seemingly impossible due to lack of available information.

Habitat and Distribution

These puffers are found in brackish waters of coastal regions, as well as freshwater bodies like rivers, streams, lakes, and flooded areas. Their distribution spans across various countries including India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.


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