Fresh Water

Landoltia punctata

Araceae Print

Family: Araceae
Synonym Names: Lemna punctata G. Mey., Lemna melanorrhiza F. Muell. ex Kurz, Spirodela punctata (G. Mey.) C. H. Thomps., Spirodela pusilla Hegelm.

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Aquarium Compatibleyes
Plant Outdooryes
Plant Emersed Growthyes
Plant Growthvery fast
Temperature Tolerance4°C / 39.20°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Carbonate Hardness2-21 kh
pH Value5-9 ph
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)0-40mg/lmg/l
Nitrate (NO3-)10-50mg/lmg/l
Phosphate (PO43-)0.1-3mg/lmg/l
Potassium (K+)5-30mg/lmg/l
Iron (Fe)0.01-0.5mg/lmg/l

General Description

Dotted duckweed, scientifically known as Landoltia punctata, is often mistaken for Lemna minor due to its oval fronds. However, unlike Lemna species with one root per frond, Landoltia punctata boasts tufts of 2-7 roots on each frond. The underside of Landoltia fronds is typically reddish, distinguishing it from Lemna species which usually have a green underside.

Aquarium Suitability

This species is popular in aquariums and is often introduced inadvertently through aquatic plant deliveries from nurseries. Similar to Lemna, Landoltia punctata serves as a beneficial surface cover in rearing tanks for fish fry. With fronds that can grow up to 8mm long, it may be easier to control than other duckweed species.

Demands and Hardiness

Being very easy to care for, Landoltia punctata has demands and vexatiousness comparable to Lemna. It thrives in stagnant to slow-flowing, nutrient-rich water conditions, within a temperature range of 4-30°C. However, it is sensitive to heavy frost and cannot survive in temperatures below -20°C (-4°F).

Aquascaping & Usage

Due to its rapid growth rate and free-floating nature, Landoltia punctata is suitable for use as a water surface cover in aquariums. Its unique red underside and root tufts add visual interest to aquascapes.


The plant propagates through fragmentation, making it relatively easy to cultivate. Fragmentation allows Landoltia punctata to spread rapidly and cover the surface of the water in aquariums.

Habitat and Distribution

Originally native to water bodies in the southern hemisphere, including South America, South Asia, Australia, and potentially South Africa, Landoltia punctata has now been introduced to warm regions across the globe by human activities. It can be found growing wild in regions such as New Zealand, the USA, Egypt, Israel, and Northern Italy, thriving in nutrient-rich waters. In arid regions like Australia, the species can survive dry periods by forming seeds and is often found in periodic waters.


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