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Minimum Tank Size75 litres / 19.81 US gallons
Maximum Size15.2cm / 5.98inches
Reef CompatibleWith Caution
Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowMedium
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Condy Anemone, scientifically known as Condylactis gigantea, is also referred to as the Haitian Anemone or Giant Golden Anemone. This species can be found in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic regions, typically in lagoons or on inner reefs. They are usually solitary creatures or found in loose groups, never forming connected clusters. The Condy Anemone displays a disc size that can reach up to 16 inches (40 cm) in diameter in the wild, while in aquariums, a more common size is around 4 inches (10 cm). They exhibit a range of color variations, with a base color that tends to be brown to white, and tentacles that may feature magenta, purple, or green tips, occasionally with a bubble-like appearance.

Aquarium Suitability

The Condy Anemone demands strong lighting and thrives in settings with live rock and various crustaceans. While it prefers a reef environment, caution is advised as it may not be the most suitable for a reef aquarium due to its semi-aggressive nature. These anemones are known to move around the tank and can pose a threat to other anemones and corals due to their potent sting. It is advisable not to house them with natural predators such as the Red-Leg Hermit Crab. Moreover, unlike some other anemone species, the Condy Anemone does not form symbiotic relationships with specific fish.

Care and Hardiness

Considered to have moderate care requirements, the Condy Anemone necessitates a strong lighting system. It is crucial to ensure proper lighting conditions are met to support the anemone's health and well-being. Additionally, supplementing their diet with iodine and trace elements can contribute to their overall vitality. Maintaining stable water conditions within the parameters of a pH level between 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) level of 8-12 is essential for their optimal care.

Reef Suitability

While the Condy Anemone can coexist in a reef tank, it is crucial to exercise caution due to its semi-aggressive behavior and stinging capabilities. Despite being capable of living in reef environments, they may not be the best choice if the goal is to cultivate a harmonious reef ecosystem without the risk of aggressive interactions.

Aquarium Setup

For a tank housing a Condy Anemone, a minimum tank size of 75 liters is recommended. It is advisable to provide them with a sandy substrate or rock crevices for shelter as they prefer to bury their base for protection. Moderate water flow and high-quality live rock can help mimic their natural habitat and create a suitable environment for them to thrive.


The Condy Anemone is known to be semi-aggressive, capable of moving around the tank and posing a threat to other tank inhabitants due to its potent sting. Their behavior highlights the importance of carefully selecting tankmates and ensuring adequate space to prevent territorial disputes.

Feeding and Diet

In terms of feeding, the diet of a Condy Anemone should include a variety of foods such as fish, mussels, and shrimp. Providing a diverse diet rich in nutrients is essential for meeting their dietary needs and supporting their overall health.


The Condy Anemone does not exhibit clear dimorphic characteristics, and information regarding captive reproduction is not specified.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Condy Anemone is commonly found in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic regions, inhabiting lagoons and inner reefs. They typically prefer sandy substrates or rock crevices for shelter and are known to be solitary creatures or found in loose groups, rather than forming connected clusters.


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