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Minimum Tank Size75 litres / 19.81 US gallons
Maximum Size30.5cm / 12.01inches
Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowMedium
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025

General Description

The Haitian Reef Anemone, also known as the Pink-Tip Condy, is a member of the Actiniidae family, characterized by its red column and long, tapering tentacles with pink tips. This anemone is typically found near Haiti, in lagoons or on inner reefs, either as individuals or loose groups. It prefers to bury the base in sand or within rock crevices for protection, and its tentacles may at times develop a bubble-like appearance.

Aquarium Suitability

Haitian Reef Anemones are moderately demanding creatures that require strong lighting and a reef-style environment in the aquarium. It is essential to have a good lighting system in place before considering them for your tank. While they do well with live rock and crustaceans, they are not ideally suited for reef aquariums containing corals due to their aggressive nature.

Care and Hardiness

In terms of care, these anemones should be fed a diet consisting of fish, mussels, shrimp, or similar foods. They are known to have a sting that can cause harm to other anemones and corals in the tank. Additionally, their habitat should mimic their natural environment near Haiti, ensuring they have adequate space to move around.

Reef Suitability

Though Haitian Reef Anemones need a reef-style setup in the aquarium, they are not the best companions for corals due to their aggressive behavior and potential to cause harm to other tank inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the needs of Haitian Reef Anemones, a well-lit tank with live rocks, crustaceans, and adequate space for movement is essential. It is crucial to avoid introducing their natural predator, the large Stareye Hermit Crab of the genus Dardanus, into the tank.


Unlike some other anemones, the Haitian Reef Anemone does not form symbiotic relationships with specific fish species. It is uncommon for clownfish or damsels to reside within them.

Feeding and Diet

These anemones should be fed a varied diet including fish, mussels, shrimp, and other suitable foods to ensure they receive adequate nutrients for their well-being.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Haitian Reef Anemones can reach a size of up to 30.5 cm, with a medium size range when fully expanded, typically being 2" to 3".

Habitat and Distribution

Primarily found near Haiti, Haitian Reef Anemones inhabit lagoons or inner reefs, usually as solitary individuals or loose groups, never forming interconnected clusters. Their natural habitat consists of environments where they can bury their base for protection and have access to sufficient nutrition for survival.


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