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Minimum Tank Size100 litres / 26.42 US gallons
Maximum Size11.0cm / 4.33inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentDocile but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Broadstriped cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus angustatus), also known as Narrow-striped cardinalfish, belongs to the family Apogonidae. These fish come in various shapes and colors and are generally well-suited for aquariums. They have a large mouth and a big appetite, primarily feeding on larger crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs. These fish can grow up to 11.0cm in size and require a minimum tank size of 100 liters.

Aquarium Suitability

The Broadstriped cardinalfish is considered suitable for most aquarium setups, thriving well in captivity. They are known to be hardy and can adapt to a range of water conditions typically found in marine aquariums. However, they can be a threat to smaller fish and shrimps due to their predatory nature.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

These fish are generally docile but can exhibit aggression towards similar species, hence needing careful consideration when housing them with other fish. They are known to be very shy and prefer good hiding places within the aquarium. Broadstriped cardinalfish are hardy creatures and can tolerate variations in water parameters within the recommended ranges.

Reef Suitability

The Broadstriped cardinalfish is considered reef-safe with caution. While they may not harm most corals and invertebrates within a reef environment, they might pose a threat to smaller crustaceans and fish commonly found in reef tanks.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Broadstriped cardinalfish, it is essential to provide ample hiding spaces, such as live rocks, for them to retreat to during the day. These fish thrive better without other members of the same species in the tank, and ensuring there is enough space and food can help reduce any potential aggression among them.


Broadstriped cardinalfish are typically nocturnal, preferring to hide during the day and becoming more active at night. They are generally peaceful towards other fish but may engage in conflicts if there is a lack of space or food resources within the tank.

Feeding and Diet

These fish have a varied diet consisting of small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia. In an aquarium setting, they are opportunistic feeders and will consume a wide range of foods offered to them. Aquarists should also be cautious as they may prey on small shrimps and fish present in the tank.

Habitat and Distribution

Broadstriped cardinalfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from the Red Sea and East Africa to the Line and Mangareva Islands, north to Japan, and south to New Caledonia. They are commonly found in coastal areas with a preference for rocky substrates and coral reefs.


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