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Minimum Tank Size150 litres / 39.63 US gallons
Maximum Size14.0cm / 5.51inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:The Ring-tailed cardinalfish, also known as Apogon aureus, belongs to the Apogonidae family. These fish, characterized by their large mouth and big appetite, come in various shapes and colors. They are often suited for aquariums due to their peaceful temperament and nocturnal nature.

Aquarium Suitability:These cardinalfish species are generally suitable for most aquarium setups, provided they have enough space and hiding spots. They can coexist with other species but may display territorial behavior if resources are limited.

Demands:Ring-tailed cardinalfish have average hardiness and are well adapted to a reef or community tank environment. They thrive in water conditions with a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a salinity of 1.020-1.025.

Care and Hardiness:These fish require a minimum tank size of 150 liters and need good hiding places like live rocks to feel secure. They are nocturnal creatures and are most active when the tank lights are dimmed or turned off.

Reef Suitability:Considered reef-safe with caution, Ring-tailed cardinalfish can be kept in reef aquariums but may pose a threat to small crustaceans like shrimps and crabs due to their feeding habits.

Aquarium Setup:When setting up an aquarium for Ring-tailed cardinalfish, ensure there are ample hiding spots, live rocks, and a dimmable lighting system. Maintaining stable water parameters within the specified range is crucial for their well-being.

Behaviour:These peaceful fish can live in harmony with other species but may engage in territorial disputes if space or food is limited. They tend to form small shoals and prefer hiding during the day.

Feeding and Diet:Ring-tailed cardinalfish primarily feed on small crustaceans such as krill, mysis, and artemia. Their diet can be supplemented with zooplankton like Cyclops and pods to ensure their nutritional requirements are met.

Habitat and Distribution:Native to the Indo-West Pacific region, Ring-tailed cardinalfish can be found from the Red Sea and East Africa to Papua New Guinea. They inhabit areas with rocky structures and coral reefs, where they seek shelter during the day and forage for food at night.


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