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Minimum Tank Size2000 litres / 528.34 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with luck
TemperamentAggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Indian Triggerfish (Melichthys indicus) belongs to the Balistidae family and is recognized by its strong jaws, which it uses for crushing rock, shells, or corals while searching for food. Unlike many other triggerfish species, the Indian Triggerfish is not as aggressive, though caution is still advised due to its nature. These fish have a unique and captivating personality compared to other species.

Aquarium Suitability

Considered suitable for aquariums, the Indian Triggerfish requires specialized care due to its aggressive temperament. It is advised to keep them away from peaceful or docile species as they can exhibit extreme aggression towards other fish. They may also pose a threat to smaller fish, crustaceans, and other tank inhabitants like shrimps, crabs, small bivalves, and snails. Additionally, they have a tendency to investigate and potentially nibble on objects like wiring and plastics in the tank.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

This species requires a large tank of at least 2000 liters to thrive, along with plenty of hiding places, such as live rocks. Indian Triggerfish need a varied diet, including larger crustaceans, invertebrates, and small crustaceans like krill and mysis shrimp. Regular feeding several times a day keeps them healthy, especially when newly introduced. Owners should be prepared to monitor their teeth growth and provide suitable food to prevent overgrowth.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility with the Indian Triggerfish is somewhat risky, as they are not entirely reef safe due to their aggressive behavior and diet preferences.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Indian Triggerfish, secure rocks on the substrate to prevent them from toppling over. Providing ample swimming space is crucial as these fish enjoy swimming. A varied diet including larger crustaceans, invertebrates, and small crustaceans is necessary for their nutrition.


Indian Triggerfish have been known to learn tricks and behaviors, showcasing an intelligent and curious nature. They may rearrange rocks and sand in the tank, reflecting their active and inquisitive disposition. Care should be taken with electrical equipment placement, as they might spray water and bite if provoked.

Feeding and Diet

Feeding Indian Triggerfish a varied diet consisting of krill, Mysis shrimp, crabs, mussels, small fish, octopus, snails, and algae-based foods is essential for their well-being.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Dimorphism and captive reproduction information is not explicitly covered in the provided data.

Habitat and Distribution

Indian Triggerfish are found in the Indian Ocean, specifically from the Red Sea and East Africa extending eastward to western Thailand and Sumatra, Indonesia. Their natural habitat consists of ample space to swim and rocky areas for foraging.


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