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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Reef CompatibleOften reef safe
TemperamentDocile but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Axelrod's clown blenny, scientifically known as Ecsenius axelrodi, belongs to the Blenniidae family. These fish are characterized by their oblong shape and long dorsal fin, typically not growing very large, making them suitable for both small and large aquariums. While not very colorful, they are known for their intriguing personalities, which appeal to many aquarists. Some species within the Blenniidae family exhibit mimicry behavior, such as imitating Cleaner Wrasses.

Aquarium Suitability

Ecsenius axelrodi is considered suitable for most aquariums due to its hardy nature and easy care requirements. However, they are known to jump out of open aquaria, so caution is advised when keeping them in such setups. These fish do well in well-established tanks with ample algae for grazing, and they thrive best when kept as the sole representative of their species in the aquarium.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

Known for being hardy, the Axelrod's clown blenny is generally easy to care for. They require a well-established aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, such as live rocks. These fish have a docile temperament but can exhibit aggression towards similar species, so care should be taken when selecting tankmates. A diet rich in algae, supplemented with frozen foods like small crustaceans, is essential for maintaining their health and immune system.

Reef Suitability

Often considered reef safe, the Axelrod's clown blenny can be a valuable addition to a reef aquarium. However, their jumping behavior should be taken into consideration when planning the tank layout to prevent any accidents.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Ecsenius axelrodi, it is essential to provide ample hiding places among live rocks. A well-run tank with enough algae for grazing is crucial for their well-being. Maintaining stable water conditions with a pH ranging from 8.1 to 8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025, and a temperature between 22.2 to 25.6 degrees Celsius is vital for their health.


This species is known for its shy and docile nature, often displaying a fun and interesting personality. Axelrod's clown blennies are not aggressive towards most tankmates but may show territorial behavior towards similar species.

Feeding and Diet

Axelrod's clown blennies primarily feed on algae, so it is essential to provide them with a diet rich in algae-based foods like seaweed and spirulina. Supplementing their diet with small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia helps ensure they receive a well-rounded nutritional intake.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Information on dimorphism and captive reproduction of Ecsenius axelrodi is not specified.

Habitat and Distribution

These fish are native to the Western Central Pacific region, specifically found in areas like Admiralty Islands, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. They are typically replaced by other Ecsenius species in different regions, such as Ecsenius bathi from Bali to Flores and Ecsenius dilema in the Philippines.


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