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Minimum Tank Size150 litres / 39.63 US gallons
Maximum Size14.0cm / 5.51inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentAggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Piano fangblenny, scientifically known as Plagiotremus tapeinosoma, belongs to the Blenniidae family. These creatures are small in size, typically not exceeding 14.0cm long, and are recognizable for their oblong shape and long dorsal fin. Some species within this genus have the fascinating ability to mimic cleaner wrasses, making them intriguing inhabitants of the marine world.

Aquarium Suitability

Considered suitable for special aquariums, the Piano fangblenny is known to be hardy and can adapt well to captivity. However, due to their aggressive temperament towards other fish, especially attacking and potentially injuring them, it is advised not to keep them with other fish and even exercise caution when handling them to prevent potential bites to humans.

Care and Hardiness

These fish are considered hardy and can thrive in aquariums with proper hiding places, such as among live rocks. They are best kept as solitary individuals since they tend to flourish better without other members of the same species present.

Reef Suitability

The Piano fangblenny is deemed reef safe, making it a suitable addition to reef aquariums without posing a threat to the coral or other invertebrates within the ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Piano fangblenny, it is crucial to provide ample hiding spots within live rock formations. A minimum tank size of 150 liters is recommended to accommodate their territorial nature and ensure their well-being.


Known for their aggressive behavior towards other species, the Piano fangblenny should not be housed with peaceful tank mates. Their unique mimicry of cleaner wrasses adds an element of intrigue to their behavior within the aquarium environment.

Feeding and Diet

These fish have a diverse diet that includes fish and small crustaceans such as krill, mysis, and artemia. Providing a varied diet will help maintain their health and vitality in captivity.

Habitat and Distribution

The Piano fangblenny can be found in the East Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, the Red Sea, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Central/West Pacific regions. Their distribution spans from the Red Sea and East Africa all the way to the Line, Marquesan, and Tuamoto Islands, extending north to southern Japan and south to New Zealand and Rapa.


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