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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Green Canary Blenny (Meiacanthus tongaensis) is visually captivating with its bright green head and a striking black stripe along its dorsal fin. Known for its graceful swimming style that includes hovering in the water, this species showcases swift movements around the reef aquarium. Males typically exhibit larger sizes compared to females and display various color changes during breeding periods.

Aquarium Suitability

The Green Canary Blenny requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons equipped with live rock for foraging and grazing activities essential for its well-being. While they can be housed alone, maintaining a breeding pair is ideal. Caution is advised when keeping this species around children, as they possess a venomous nature and can deliver painful bites, particularly if feeling threatened.

Care and Hardiness

Considered moderately demanding, the Green Canary Blenny thrives in stable water conditions with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (dKH) of 8-12. Their semi-aggressive temperament may lead to confrontations with tankmates, exhibiting defensive behaviors such as biting attackers inside the mouth when threatened.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility is affirmed for the Green Canary Blenny, making it a suitable addition to reef aquariums. Its dietary preferences and behavior do not pose significant threats to the reef environment, allowing it to coexist peacefully among corals and other invertebrates.

Aquarium Setup

To create an optimal habitat for the Green Canary Blenny, include live rock structures within a well-aerated 30-gallon tank. The setup should offer hiding spots and grazing areas for the blenny to exhibit natural behaviors. Maintaining proper water parameters, such as stable pH levels and salinity, is crucial for their overall health and well-being.


This species showcases semi-aggressive behavior, especially when provoked by tankmates. Their unique ability to deliver painful bites when feeling threatened serves as a defense mechanism. The Green Canary Blenny's graceful swimming style and color-changing displays during breeding add excitement to any aquarium setting.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Green Canary Blenny benefits from a diet consisting of finely chopped crustacean flesh, mysis and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and frozen herbivore preparations. Providing a varied and nutritious diet contributes to their overall health and vitality.

Habitat and Distribution

The Green Canary Blenny, Meiacanthus tongaensis, inhabits coral reef environments in the wild. Originating from specific regions, including Tonga, this species thrives in tropical marine settings characterized by rich biodiversity. Understanding their natural habitat aids in creating suitable captive environments that mimic their native ecosystems.


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