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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Reef CompatibleNot reef safe
TemperamentMostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The West Australian Butterflyfish (Chaetodon assarius) is a species within the Chaetodontidae family, known for their vibrant patterns and colors. They are part of a complex within the Chaetodon genus, closely resembling other species within the group.

Aquarium Suitability

This species, with an average hardiness level, is considered suitable for aquariums with a minimum tank size of 300 liters. It is recommended to keep them in pairs introduced simultaneously and provide ample hiding spots among live rocks due to their shy and docile nature.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

West Australian Butterflyfish requires a varied diet including macroalgae, microalgae, small crustaceans, and zooplankton. They need well-established aquariums with algae for grazing. Regular feeding and supplementation with algae-rich foods like Spirulina are essential. These fish thrive in a spacious environment, enjoying ample room for swimming.

Reef Suitability

This species is considered not reef safe, as they may nibble at clams, including Tridacna species, and feed on tubeworms. They can potentially pose a threat to corals in a reef tank due to their food preferences.

Aquarium Setup

For keeping West Australian Butterflyfish, it is crucial to provide a well-run aquarium with sufficient algae on rocks for grazing. Simulating their natural habitat with hiding places and adequate swimming space is important. Maintaining water conditions with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, and a specific gravity between 1.020-1.025 is vital for their well-being.


These butterflyfish are generally peaceful towards other tank mates, but they may exhibit aggression towards similar species unless they are paired. Their timid nature requires a calm environment with suitable tank mates to thrive.

Feeding and Diet

West Australian Butterflyfish have a diverse diet, including live SPS or LPS corals, which can be challenging to replicate in captivity. Offering frozen foods or mimicking natural feeding behaviors by placing food in coral skeletons can help in their acclimatization. They may also accept live zooplankton or live mussels with crushed shells.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Although dimorphism information is not provided, some species within the Chaetodon genus, including Chaetodon assarius, can be bred in captivity. Breeding these fish often involves providing a suitable environment, ensuring proper nutrition, and creating conducive breeding conditions.

Habitat and Distribution

West Australian Butterflyfish are native to the Eastern Indian Ocean, specifically Western Australia, ranging from the Perth area to Shark Bay. They can occasionally be found as stray individuals in southern Indonesia. These fish are associated with reef habitats and are known to feed on various invertebrates, including bristleworms, tubeworms, and small crustaceans.


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