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Minimum Tank Size500 litres / 132.09 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Reef CompatibleNot reef safe
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Pennant coralfish, scientifically known as Heniochus acuminatus, is part of the Chaetodontidae family, commonly known for their vibrant patterns and colors. Recognizable by their long dorsal fin, these fish are often referred to as Bannerfish. They are native to the East African waters extending to the Persian Gulf, the Society Islands, and down to southern Japan, encompassing Micronesia.

Aquarium Suitability

With a hardiness rating of "Hardy," these fish are suitable for aquariums but require careful consideration due to their dietary needs. Preference for a 500-liter tank or larger, they thrive when fed a varied diet several times a day. Providing ample swimming space and hiding spots among live rocks is essential for their well-being.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

Pennant coralfish have a peaceful temperament and can be kept singly or in a group, but caution should be taken when housing similar species together unless they form a pair. They demand a diet rich in invertebrates, small crustaceans, and zooplankton, mimicking their natural feeding habits which include tubeworms and bristleworms.

Reef Suitability

This species is not reef-safe, as they are known to nibble at clams, including Tridacna species, and consume soft corals and large polyp stone corals. They are not recommended for reef aquariums due to their diet preferences.

Aquarium Setup

To house Pennant coralfish, it is essential to provide a well-aerated aquarium with stable water conditions. Keeping the pH levels between 8.1-8.4, the temperature maintained at 22.2-25.6°C, and the specific gravity at 1.020-1.025 is crucial for their health. Offering sufficient hiding places and room for swimming enhances their overall well-being in captivity.


These fish are generally peaceful towards other tank mates, focusing on their feeding habits and exploring their environment. They are active swimmers and can be observed gliding through the water, showcasing their elegant dorsal fin as they move around the aquarium.

Feeding and Diet

Pennant coralfish have a varied diet, requiring multiple feedings throughout the day. Their food should include invertebrates, small crustaceans, and zooplankton to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for growth and vitality. Feeding them a diet that replicates their natural prey items is key to their dietary success in captivity.


These fish do not exhibit significant dimorphism, and captive reproduction is not commonly observed. However, efforts can be made to provide suitable conditions that may encourage breeding behaviors in the right environment.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, the Red Sea, Indonesia, and the Central/West Pacific region, Pennant coralfish are found in coral reef habitats. They enjoy swimming among coral formations and are known to seek out various prey items in their natural environment.


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