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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
Reef CompatibleNo
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Pencil Urchin, scientifically classified as Eucidaris tribuloides, belongs to the Cidaridae family. This species, also known as the Mine or Club Urchin, showcases a brown body with stubby, thick spines emanating in all directions. These spines, encompassed by basal plates, can be fragile, making it essential to handle the urchin with care.

Aquarium Suitability

With a moderate level of care required, the Pencil Urchin is more suited for experienced aquarists. Its omnivorous diet and peaceful temperament align it with certain aquarium setups, although its sensitivity to copper-based medications and nitrogen levels necessitate stable habitat conditions.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

This species demands an aquarium of at least 113 liters with multiple hiding spots and live rock for grazing. It is crucial to provide sturdy rock formations due to the urchin's movement potentially dislodging rocks. Care should be taken to prevent elevated nitrate levels and the presence of copper-based substances in the water to avoid potential harm to the Pencil Urchin.

Reef Suitability

The Pencil Urchin is not considered reef-compatible due to its potential to damage corals, making it vital to exercise caution when introducing it into a reef environment.

Aquarium Setup

For the Pencil Urchin's habitat, a tank with stable water conditions, including a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity between 1.023-1.025, and a carbonate hardness level of 8-12 dKH is recommended. Providing ample hiding spaces and a suitable substrate is essential for this species.


During the day, the Pencil Urchin seeks shelter within rocks, emerging at night to forage for algae and smaller invertebrates. Its movements within the aquarium can be disruptive due to its search for food and grazable surfaces.

Feeding and Diet

This omnivorous species should be fed a diet consisting of dried seaweed and animal-based supplements to ensure a balanced nutritional intake within the aquarium.

Habitat and Distribution

The Pencil Urchin is native to various marine habitats and can be found in regions where it can graze on algae lawns and forage on smaller invertebrates. Despite its challenging nature in terms of breeding within an aquarium setting, this species thrives in suitable marine environments.


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