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Minimum Tank Size150 litres / 39.63 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Swallowtail hawkfish, scientifically known as Cyprinocirrhites polyactis, is a species belonging to the Cirrhitidae family. Resembling different types of Anthias, this fish can be mistaken for them, particularly when young, making thorough examination essential before purchase. It can reach a maximum size of around 15.0cm.

Aquarium Suitability

This species is suitable for aquariums larger than 150 liters, with a preference for spaces equipped to meet their needs. Hawkfish, in general, are hardy and place few demands on water quality. They can be kept in smaller tanks but may exhibit aggression, especially if not provided with adequate space.

Care and Hardiness

The Swallowtail hawkfish is considered hardy and can adapt well to aquarium conditions. It is recommended to offer hiding spots within live rocks to provide security. Hawkfish can change gender, with females transitioning to males when needed.

Reef Suitability

Reef enthusiasts can keep the Swallowtail hawkfish in their tanks with caution. While they are considered reef-safe, there is a potential threat to smaller crustaceans like shrimps and crabs.

Aquarium Setup

A well-equipped aquarium with hiding places and adequate space is essential for the Swallowtail hawkfish. Good water quality with parameters like pH 8.1-8.4, temperature between 22.2-25.6°C, and specific gravity ranging from 1.020-1.025 is recommended.


Known for their captivating and engaging personalities, Swallowtail hawkfish display interesting behaviors in the aquarium. They can be aggressive towards similar species, so careful monitoring is advised when introducing them to a tank.

Feeding and Diet

Their diet primarily consists of larger crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, along with smaller options like krill, mysis, and artemia. Maintaining a varied and high-quality diet helps prevent color loss, a common occurrence in captive environments.


Aside from changing gender from female to male, the Swallowtail hawkfish may exhibit color changes in aquarium settings, with their vibrant colors sometimes appearing dull. Ensuring a diet rich in pigments can help maintain their vibrant hues.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the Indo-West Pacific region, this species can be found from East Africa to the southeast coast of South Africa, extending eastwards to Tonga, northwards to southern Japan, and southwards to New Caledonia, southeastern Australia, and northern New Zealand.


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