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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size7.6cm / 2.99inches
Reef CompatibleWith Caution
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Arc Eye Hawkfish, scientifically known as Paracirrhites arcatus, displays a striking appearance with its orange body featuring a white horizontal bar on the back half. The operculum and eyes are particularly eye-catching, adorned with an alternating pattern of blue and bright orange colors.

Aquarium Suitability

For aquarists interested in keeping an Arc Eye Hawkfish, a tank size of 30 gallons or larger is recommended to provide ample space for this species. It is crucial to introduce this fish as the last addition to the tank community due to its territorial nature. The Arc Eye Hawkfish can exhibit aggression towards new tank mates, especially targeting other hawkfish and larger fish. When placed in a reef aquarium, caution is advised as it may prey on crabs, shrimp, anemones, and smaller fish.

Care and Hardiness

Known for its ease of care, the Arc Eye Hawkfish is considered a hardy species suitable for beginner aquarists. Maintaining stable water conditions within a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a dKH of 8-12, and a specific gravity between 1.020-1.025 is essential for the well-being of this fish.

Reef Suitability

While the Arc Eye Hawkfish can be kept in a reef aquarium, its compatibility must be approached with caution due to its predatory behavior towards certain reef inhabitants. Careful consideration and monitoring are necessary when housing this species in a reef setting.

Aquarium Setup

To create an ideal environment for an Arc Eye Hawkfish, aquarists should provide ample hiding spots and structures for perching. Live rock formations and caves can serve as retreats for this territorial fish. Ensuring a well-established aquarium with proper filtration and regular water changes will contribute to the health and longevity of the Arc Eye Hawkfish.


With an aggressive temperament, the Arc Eye Hawkfish tends to establish a dominance hierarchy within the tank. It may exhibit territorial behavior, particularly towards new tank mates. Observing its interactions with other fish and monitoring for signs of aggression is crucial in managing its behavior.

Feeding and Diet

Being a carnivorous species, the diet of the Arc Eye Hawkfish should consist of a variety of marine meats and live feeder shrimp. Providing a balanced and varied diet will help maintain the health and vibrancy of this fish in a captive environment.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

In terms of dimorphism, there are no distinct visual differences between male and female Arc Eye Hawkfish. Captive reproduction of this species is not commonly documented, and breeding efforts may require specialized care and conditions.

Habitat and Distribution

The Arc Eye Hawkfish is typically found in the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting coral reefs and rocky areas with ample hiding spots. Its natural distribution spans from the Red Sea to French Polynesia, including the Great Barrier Reef and Hawaii.


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