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Minimum Tank Size1500 litres / 396.26 US gallons
Maximum Size65.0cm / 25.59inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Black-blotched porcupinefish, scientifically known as Diodon liturosus, is a member of the Diodontidae family. These fish closely resemble pufferfish and are known for their unique swimming style, spikes, and engaging personality. In their natural habitat, they blow water into the sand to expose their food, earning them the nickname "blowfish." Black-blotched porcupinefish have the ability to puff themselves up when threatened, similar to other species in their family.

Aquarium Suitability

Black-blotched porcupinefish are suitable for aquariums, but they require careful consideration due to their specific needs. They are not reef-safe and have been observed nibbling on the fins of other fish in the tank. They do not thrive in the company of aggressive fish, which can lead to stress. These fish do best when kept with their own species. Despite their challenges, they are hardy and can live for many years in captivity under the right conditions.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

While the hardiness of Black-blotched porcupinefish is listed as unknown, they are generally considered to be robust when provided with appropriate care. These fish have continuous tooth growth and require food that helps grind down their teeth, such as snails or mussels. It is crucial to avoid feeding them fish flakes exclusively as their teeth can overgrow. Porcupinefish also need a substantial amount of food to thrive.

Reef Suitability

Black-blotched porcupinefish are reef-safe with caution. They should be monitored closely in a reef tank due to their tendency to consume small invertebrates like shrimps, crabs, and snails. This behavior can make them a threat to the delicate balance of a reef ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Black-blotched porcupinefish, it is essential to provide ample space as they can grow up to 65.0cm in size. A minimum tank size of 1500 liters is recommended to accommodate their needs. Additionally, precautions should be taken with the placement of electrical equipment as these fish are known to blow water out of the tank, especially during feeding.


Black-blotched porcupinefish are noted for their fun and interesting personalities. They can exhibit aggressive tendencies towards other species, which should be taken into account when selecting tank mates. Being mindful of their behavior can help maintain a harmonious tank environment.

Feeding and Diet

Recommended diet for Black-blotched porcupinefish includes larger crustaceans (such as shrimp and crabs), other invertebrates, and small crustaceans like krill and mysis. It is essential to provide food that aids in wearing down their teeth to prevent overgrowth. Careful attention to their feeding habits is necessary for their overall well-being.

Habitat and Distribution

The Black-blotched porcupinefish inhabits the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from East Africa to the Society Islands in the East Pacific. They are also found in the southeast coast of South Africa in the Southeast Atlantic region. These fish are not present in Hawaii but can be located in various locations across the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, The Red Sea, and Indonesia.


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