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Maximum Size5.1cm / 2.01inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Electric Orange Hermit Crab, known scientifically as Calcinus cf elegans, is a vibrant marine invertebrate with striking bright orange legs adorned with brown banding. Unlike many other members of the Diogenidae family, this species stands out due to its uniquely blue eyes. These hermit crabs can grow up to 2 inches in size and play a vital role as cleaners in marine aquariums by consuming algae, uneaten fish food, and detritus.

Aquarium Suitability

Being relatively easy to care for, the Electric Orange Hermit Crab is suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Its peaceful temperament makes it a great addition to a marine aquarium setting.

Demands, Care and Hardiness

This hermit crab is considered hardy, requiring stable water conditions with a temperature range of 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level between 8.1 and 8.4. It is essential to maintain a specific gravity ranging from 1.023 to 1.025 and a carbonate hardness (dKH) of 8-12 for optimal health.

Reef Suitability

The Electric Orange Hermit Crab is reef-compatible, making it a favorable choice for reef aquarium enthusiasts. Its presence aids in algae control within the reef system.

Aquarium Setup

In an aquarium environment, provide the Electric Orange Hermit Crab with a well-established setting that includes live rock outcroppings for foraging. Its foraging behavior involves sifting through sand and substrate, aerating the aquarium substrate in the process. Offering a variety of empty and larger shells for molting and growth is important for their well-being.


This species of hermit crab is peaceful in nature and can coexist with a variety of tank mates. They are known for their scavenging behavior and play a role in keeping algae levels in check within the aquarium.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Electric Orange Hermit Crab feeds on algae, dried seaweed, meaty foods like mysis shrimp, and other organic detritus present in the aquarium. Providing a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Electric Orange Hermit Crab is native to the Hawaiian Islands, where it resides in abandoned snail or triton shells and forages for algae and seaweed amongst substrates and reef crevices. This species contributes to the ecosystem by aiding in algae control and substrate aeration.


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