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Maximum Size3.8cm / 1.50inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans), a species classified under the family Gnathophyllidae, was first officially documented in 1852. It features a striking appearance with a white body adorned with large light blue spots. Notably, male Harlequin Shrimp tend to be slightly smaller in size compared to females. This species notably distinguishes itself from its close relative, the HawaiianH. picta, which boasts purple and red spots. Characteristic of the Harlequin Shrimp are its prominent claws, or chelipeds, which are used for display rather than hunting purposes.

Aquarium Suitability

The Harlequin Shrimp is considered moderately suitable for aquariums. It thrives best when maintained in mated pairs within an aquarium environment characterized by moderate lighting conditions. To ensure the well-being of these shrimp, it is imperative to avoid exposing them to copper or elevated nitrate levels. Additionally, maintaining proper iodine levels is crucial for facilitating appropriate molting processes.

Care and Hardiness

With its preference for a carnivorous diet, the Harlequin Shrimp exclusively feeds on echinoderms, particularly targeting starfish and select urchin species. Its feeding behavior involves consuming starfish, such as Linckia and Fromia sp., by commencing at the arm's tip and progressing towards the central disc. Notably, the preyed-upon starfish may shed its arm in defense, though it often succumbs to the shrimp's predation.

Reef Suitability

Reef enthusiasts may find the Harlequin Shrimp an attractive addition to their setups, as this species is known to be compatible with reef environments, showcasing peaceful temperament within such settings.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the needs of Harlequin Shrimp, it is essential to maintain specific water parameters within the aquarium. Keeping the carbonate hardness (KH) levels between 8-12, pH levels at 8.1-8.4, and salinity within the range of 1.023-1.025 is crucial for their well-being. Additionally, supplementing their diet with calcium, magnesium, iodine, and trace elements is recommended to support their health.


In terms of behavior, the Harlequin Shrimp typically displays a peaceful demeanor within aquarium settings, particularly when kept in mated pairs.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivorous creatures, these shrimp primarily feed on starfish species, with adults favoring Asterias rubens and juveniles typically dining on Linckia starfish. In some instances, adult Harlequin Shrimp may also consume sea urchins as part of their diet.


One notable aspect of dimorphism in Harlequin Shrimp is the size difference between males and females, with females generally being larger than their male counterparts.

Habitat and Distribution

These mesmerizing creatures can be found in their natural habitats, typically inhabiting regions where suitable prey, such as starfish and urchins, are abundant. Their distribution ranges across certain marine environments where these food sources are prevalent.


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