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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentMostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Bynoe goby, Amblygobius bynoensis, belongs to the Gobiidae family, known for their small size and bottom-dwelling nature. These fish are typically hardy and are well-adapted to aquarium life, making them a popular choice among hobbyists. They belong to the Amblygobius genus and are native to the East Indian Ocean, Australia, Indonesia, and the Central/West Pacific regions.

Aquarium Suitability

The Bynoe goby is considered suitable for aquariums, but they require special care due to their specific demands. They are mostly peaceful but can exhibit aggression towards similar species, so it's essential to keep an eye on their interactions with tank mates.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

With an average hardiness level, these gobies prefer well-established aquariums with algae growth on rocks and stones. They assist in sandy substrate maintenance by filtering sand through their gills, but this behavior can lead to corals being covered in sand. It's crucial to provide a substrate that allows for burrowing and the creation of sheltered spaces. Maintaining proper water conditions with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C (72-78°F) is important for their well-being.

Reef Suitability

Bynoe gobies are considered reef safe and can coexist with coral reef environments without causing harm to the reef structure or other reef inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up the aquarium for Bynoe gobies, it's recommended to provide a substrate consisting of sand, coral pieces, shells, and broken shell fragments. Securely placing rocks on the substrate prevents them from toppling over as these fish have a habit of rearranging rocks and sand. Adequate space should be provided for them to burrow and create sheltered areas.


These gobies tend to live in pairs, with a male and female forming a bond. They are known for their diligent sand-filtering behavior and may rearrange the tank environment to create suitable shelters and hiding spots. Bynoe gobies may exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards conspecifics or similar species.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, Bynoe gobies should be fed a varied diet consisting of microalgae, small crustaceans like krill and mysis shrimp, and zooplankton such as Cyclops and pods. They also graze on algae present in the aquarium, but supplementary feeding with algae-rich foods like spirulina may be necessary if algae growth is inadequate.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in the Indo-Pacific region, Bynoe gobies inhabit coastal areas with sandy substrates and coral reefs. They prefer habitats with ample algae growth and sheltered spaces for burrowing and seeking protection from predators.


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