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Minimum Tank Size50 litres / 13.21 US gallons
Maximum Size3.0cm / 1.18inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description
The Black coral goby, scientifically known as Bryaninops tigris, is a small fish species that typically inhabit various whip corals and soft corals in the Indo-Pacific region. They are part of the Gobiidae family, specifically Bryaninops, which are known for being small and living close to the bottom.

Aquarium Suitability
Considered suitable for special aquarium setups, the Black coral goby is an average hardiness fish with a peaceful temperament. They are recommended for tanks with a minimum size of 50 liters and require frequent feeding, especially when newly introduced to the aquarium.

Care and Hardiness
Being average in hardiness, the Black coral goby needs to be fed several times a day, particularly if it cannot find enough natural food in the tank. Keeping their diet rich in zooplankton like Cyclops and pods is essential for their well-being.

Reef Suitability
These gobies are always considered reef-safe, making them ideal for reef tank setups without the risk of causing harm to coral or other reef inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup
Setting up a tank for Black coral gobies should involve maintaining specific water conditions such as a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, a pH level between 8.1-8.4, a salinity level of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness of 8-12 dKH.

These fish exhibit peaceful behavior in aquarium settings and can often be found perching on whip corals or soft corals, displaying their natural habitat preferences.

Feeding and Diet
Black coral gobies primarily feed on zooplankton, with a diet consisting of organisms like Cyclops and pods. It is crucial to ensure they are fed multiple times throughout the day to maintain their health.

Habitat and Distribution
The Black coral goby is native to the Indo-Pacific region, specifically found in locations such as the Society Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Solomon Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Gulf of Thailand, and the Chagos Archipelago, among others. Their habitat includes whip corals and soft corals where they reside.


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