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Minimum Tank Size50 litres / 13.21 US gallons
Maximum Size2.0cm / 0.79inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentDocile but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Emerald dwarfgoby, scientifically known as Eviota smaragdus, belongs to the Gobiidae family. These tiny fish have a maximum size of 2.0cm and are found in the Western Pacific, ranging from the Ryukyu Islands to Samoa, and south to Scott Reef and Norfolk Islands, including Guam and Marshall Islands in Micronesia.

Aquarium Suitability

The Emerald dwarfgoby is suitable for aquariums with care. They are docile but may display some aggression towards similar species. It is important to note that they have a short lifespan of only a few months.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

This species requires a well-established aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, like live rocks, due to their shy and docile nature. They thrive when there is an abundance of micro life in the tank, such as copepods and amphipods, ensuring they can find their natural food. Regular feeding is essential, multiple times a day, especially initially. Due to their small size, they can get lost in overflows, so caution is advised.

Reef Suitability

The Emerald dwarfgoby is considered always reef safe, making it a suitable choice for reef tanks.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Emerald dwarfgobies, a minimum tank size of 50 liters is recommended. The water conditions should have a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12. Maintaining a well-established tank with ample microorganisms is crucial for their health.


These goby fish are known for their shy and docile behavior. They prefer to hide among live rocks or in crevices within the aquarium. Being small and timid, they should not be housed with more aggressive tank mates.

Feeding and Diet

The recommended diet for Emerald dwarfgobies includes small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia, as well as zooplankton such as cyclops and pods. They require frequent feeding, several times a day, particularly when first introduced to the tank. Ensuring they have access to natural food sources can reduce the frequency of required feedings.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Not specified.

Habitat and Distribution

Emerald dwarfgobies are native to a wide range of locations, from Australia to Japan, Indonesia, and various parts of the East and Central/West Pacific Ocean. Their natural habitat includes areas from the Ryukyu Islands to Samoa, with presence southward to Scott Reef and Norfolk Islands, as well as Guam and the Marshall Islands in Micronesia.


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