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Minimum Tank Size680 litres / 179.64 US gallons
Maximum Size30.5cm / 12.01inches
Reef CompatibleNo
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Rising Tide Porkfish, scientifically known as Anisotremus virginicus, hails from the Western Atlantic. With a striking appearance characterized by a silver-gray base embellished with a yellow head and fins accentuating two distinctive black vertical stripes, these peaceful fish are highly coveted for saltwater fish-only aquariums.

Aquarium Suitability

The Porkfish, a hardy species, is exceptionally well-suited for both novice and experienced aquarists. Typically requiring a spacious environment, a tank size of 180 gallons or larger with ample open swimming space is recommended. While they can be kept in a school if sufficient room is provided, caution is advised when housing them with tank mates due to their occasional parasite-picking behavior. Not compatible with aggressive species, adult Porkfish should be the initial inhabitants in a community tank setting.

Care and Hardiness

As a relatively easy-to-care-for species, the Porkfish adapts well to aquarium conditions and is known for its resilience. Their hardy nature makes them tolerant to various water parameters, with recommended levels of pH ranging from 8.1 to 8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) between 8-12.

Reef Suitability

Due to their dietary preferences, which include consuming crabs, snails, shrimp, and starfish, Porkfish are not considered suitable for reef aquariums. Their natural inclination to forage among reefs and seek shelter in caves or ledges also makes them better suited for fish-only setups.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Porkfish, it is essential to provide ample open swimming space while also incorporating caves or ledges for refuge. Additionally, ensuring the presence of appropriate tank mates that are not aggressive is crucial for maintaining the peaceful demeanor of the Porkfish within the community tank.


Porkfish are known to exhibit peaceful behavior within aquarium settings, preferably in the company of compatible tank mates. Their occasional parasite-picking behavior serves as a unique characteristic that can benefit the overall health of the tank.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivores, Porkfish thrive on a varied diet consisting of chopped shrimp, marine fish flesh, prepared frozen carnivore foods, and vegetable matter. Providing a balanced diet rich in proteins and plant-based foods is essential for meeting their nutritional needs.


Juvenile Porkfish typically exhibit a different coloration compared to their adult counterparts. As they mature and reach a length of approximately 4-5 inches, the distinct adult coloration featuring the yellow head, silver-gray base, and black vertical stripes becomes more prominent.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Porkfish are commonly found in the Western Atlantic region, frequenting reef environments where they can seek shelter and forage for food. Their distribution spans areas known for their vibrant marine ecosystems, making them an integral part of the underwater biodiversity.


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