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Minimum Tank Size500 litres / 132.09 US gallons
Maximum Size18.0cm / 7.09inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentDocile but might be aggressive towards similar species of same gender
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Yellowbreasted wrasse, also known as the Twister wrasse, belongs to the Labridae family and is scientifically classified as Anampses twistii. These fish, native to the Indo-Pacific region ranging from the Red Sea to the Tuamoto Islands, exhibit striking physical variations between males, females, and juveniles. They are known for their vibrant beauty and peaceful demeanor in small groups, burying themselves in sand when threatened or in need of rest.

Aquarium Suitability and Demands

Aquarists should exercise caution when considering the Yellowbreasted wrasse due to its delicate nature, which makes it challenging to maintain in optimal health. This species is best suited to experienced hobbyists willing to provide the extra care required for its well-being. It is advised to introduce them when young to aid in acclimatization, and they typically thrive as a pair or with one male and multiple females.

Care and Hardiness

Yellowbreasted wrasses have delicate hardiness and are particularly sensitive during transportation, requiring attentive acclimatization upon introduction to an aquarium. They prefer a docile environment with minimal aggression from tank mates, especially during feeding times, where they may require multiple feedings per day, particularly when newly added to a tank.

Reef Suitability

Reef enthusiasts will find the Yellowbreasted wrasse to be reef-safe and compatible with invertebrates. They are useful in controlling unwanted pests like flatworms and pyramid snails, contributing positively to the reef ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup

A minimum tank size of 500 liters is recommended for these wrasses, with a deep sandy substrate of at least 5 cm to allow for burrowing behavior. It is advisable to keep them in a peaceful tank environment or with species that do not exhibit aggressive tendencies, especially during feeding times when the wrasses may be more vulnerable.


Despite their attractive appearance, Yellowbreasted wrasses are shy and docile by nature, known to become agitated and bury themselves in sand when stressed. They can coexist peacefully in small groups, with males displaying some aggression towards similar species of the same gender.

Feeding and Diet

Their diet consists of small crustaceans, zooplankton, and other invertebrates, necessitating frequent feedings throughout the day, particularly for younger or newly introduced individuals. Providing live food sources can increase their chances of acclimatization and overall success in captivity.


Yellowbreasted wrasses are hermaphroditic, with the ability to change from female to male when the need arises. Understanding their gender dynamics can be crucial for maintaining a balanced group in the aquarium.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in regions from the Red Sea to the Tuamoto Islands, these wrasses inhabit a diverse range, including the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, and the Pacific. Their natural habitat spans a wide distribution, emphasizing the importance of replicating suitable conditions in a captive environment.


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