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Minimum Tank Size600 litres / 158.50 US gallons
Maximum Size24.0cm / 9.45inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description: The Lyretail Hogfish, also known as Bodianus anthioides, belongs to the Labridae family. These fish are named Hogfish due to their feeding behavior, where they use their snouts to search for food in the substrate by blowing water into the sand. They are hardy and have a unique feeding habit that involves searching for food in the sand, which can cause the water to become cloudy.

Aquarium Suitability: This species is suitable for aquariums but requires careful consideration. They need ample space to swim and hide, as they can become aggressive towards other species, especially when fully grown. It is recommended to provide good hiding spots, such as live rocks, to help them feel secure in the aquarium.

Demands: Lyretail Hogfish have specific demands in terms of space and compatibility. They need plenty of space to swim and hide, as they can be shy initially, especially when introduced into a new aquarium. Additionally, they may exhibit aggression towards more docile species.

Care and Hardiness: These Hogfish are considered hardy fish that can adapt to various tank conditions. However, they need a well-established tank with appropriate hiding spots to help them feel secure. They also require a varied diet to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

Reef Suitability: Lyretail Hogfish are considered reef safe with caution. However, their aggressive behavior towards invertebrates such as worms, snails, and small crustaceans can pose a threat to certain reef inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup: When setting up an aquarium for Lyretail Hogfish, it is essential to provide plenty of swimming space and hiding spots. Live rocks can serve as excellent hiding places for these fish. Maintaining stable water conditions within the recommended parameters is crucial for their health and well-being.

Behaviour: These fish can be aggressive towards other species, especially when fully grown. They are known to hide for extended periods, particularly when kept with more aggressive tank mates. Understanding their behavior is key to creating a harmonious tank environment.

Feeding and Diet: Lyretail Hogfish have a varied diet that includes worms, small mussels, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. In an aquarium, offering a mix of small crustaceans, zooplankton, and other invertebrates can help meet their dietary requirements.

Habitat and Distribution: Lyretail Hogfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from the Red Sea to South Africa and east to various islands in the Pacific. They are commonly found in sandy substrates and reef environments where they forage for food.


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