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Minimum Tank Size1000 litres / 264.17 US gallons
Maximum Size22.0cm / 8.66inches
Reef CompatibleNot reef safe
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Fish in the genus Cheilinus, such as the Cheilinus abudjubbe, are larger than most wrasses, growing up to 22.0 cm and sometimes even reaching 6.5 feet (2 meters). These fish, belonging to the Labridae family, are recognizable for their vibrant colors and unique body shapes.

Aquarium Suitability

Cheilinus abudjubbe is considered suitable for aquariums with care due to its aggressive nature towards other species. It is recommended to provide ample hiding places and a varied diet, including live foods initially and large pieces of seafood subsequently for their sustenance.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

With average hardiness, these fish require a tank of at least 1000 liters. They are known to rearrange rocks and substrate, so securing them in place is imperative. Being hermaphroditic, they can change gender from female to male, and they tend to hide at first when introduced to a new environment.

Reef Suitability

Cheilinus abudjubbe is not considered reef-safe as they pose a threat to many invertebrates, including shrimps, crabs, sea urchins, and small bivalves.

Aquarium Setup

Setting up the aquarium for Cheilinus abudjubbe requires providing good hiding spots among live rocks, ensuring rocks are stable to prevent toppling, and offering plenty of swimming space. These fish do well when kept alone and can be stressed by the presence of other fish.


Initially, Cheilinus abudjubbe may hide while acclimating to the aquarium. It is crucial not to disturb them during this period to aid in the acclimatization process. They are known to be aggressive towards smaller fish and should be monitored closely in a community tank setting.

Feeding and Diet

These wrasses thrive on a diet of fish, larger crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, and other invertebrates. Providing a varied diet is essential for their overall health and well-being.

Habitat and Distribution

Cheilinus abudjubbe is typically found in the Western Indian Ocean, specifically the Red Sea. They inhabit rocky reef areas where they can find hiding spots and plenty of swimming room to display their natural behaviors.


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