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Minimum Tank SizeUnknown
Maximum Size90.0cm / 35.43inches
Reef CompatibleNot reef safe
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Baldchin groper, belonging to the Labridae family and Choerodon genus, is a species that becomes notably large and displays high intelligence. These fish are known for their active nature and have been observed spitting water upwards from the tank. They require ample space due to their size and activity levels, making them challenging to house in a typical home aquarium.

Aquarium Suitability

The Choerodon rubescens, or Baldchin groper, is deemed not suitable for home aquariums due to its large size and demanding nature. When fully grown, these fish necessitate a very spacious aquarium, which is often impractical for most hobbyist setups. They can also display aggressive behavior, particularly towards similar species or when space is inadequate.


The Baldchin groper exhibits average hardiness and thrives best when acclimatized as a juvenile. These fish require a diet consisting of various seafood, frozen, and dried foods, with feeding multiple times a day being ideal, given their high activity levels. Additionally, providing hiding spots and securing rocks in the aquarium is essential to meet their needs effectively.

Care and Hardiness

This species acclimatizes better when introduced to aquarium conditions at a young age, with delicate care required for very small individuals. They can be aggressive towards comparable fish species and need ample space for swimming, preferring to be kept as the sole member of their kind in a tank. Hermitic in nature, they can change gender and often rearrange rocks and sand in their environment.

Reef Suitability

Baldchin gropers are not considered reef-safe due to their predatory nature and tendency to consume various invertebrates found in reef environments. While certain species in the Choerodon genus may be less likely to prey on invertebrates and could be kept with caution in a reef aquarium, the Baldchin groper is generally unsuitable for such settings.

Aquarium Setup

Given their proclivity for rearranging rocks and sand, it is essential to secure the tank's decor to prevent toppling. Providing hiding spots like live rocks is crucial for their well-being, and having a spacious tank with adequate swimming room is necessary for their active behavior. Site electrical installations carefully to prevent disruptions caused by their water-spitting habit.


Baldchin gropers can exhibit aggressive tendencies when kept with similar species or under cramped conditions. They are active and intelligent fish that require mental stimulation and frequent feeding to maintain their well-being. While they can be kept with caution alongside select tankmates, avoiding docile fish and understanding their behavior patterns is advisable for a harmonious tank environment.

Feeding and Diet

The recommended diet for Baldchin gropers includes larger crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, along with other invertebrates and small crustaceans like krill and mysis. These fish benefit from frequent feeding, especially during the acclimatization period. Offering a varied diet of seafood and ensuring they have access to their natural food sources in the tank contributes to their overall health.

Habitat and Distribution

These fish are native to Australia, where they inhabit various marine environments. Thriving in open waters, Baldchin gropers are found in rocky and sandy reef areas along the Australian coast. Their natural habitat provides ample opportunities for them to exhibit their active behavior and feed on a diverse range of prey items, contributing to their robust nature in the wild.


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