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Minimum Tank Size1000 litres / 264.17 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentMostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Stethojulis trilineata, also known as the Three-lined rainbowfish or Three-blueline wrasse, belongs to the Labridae family. These fish exhibit striking colors, particularly when fully matured, although juveniles display a more subdued hue. They are characterized by constant activity and should be kept in an aquarium with ample swimming space.

Aquarium Suitability

Aquarists interested in keeping Stethojulis trilineata should be aware that these fish require constant feeding due to their active nature. They are known to jump out of open aquariums, necessitating secure tank lids. Careful consideration is crucial when selecting tank mates, as aggression from other fish can hinder their acclimatization process.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

With an average hardiness level, these rainbowfish require a well-established aquarium with a minimum tank size of 1000 liters. They thrive in environments with deep sandy substrates and plenty of hiding spots among live rocks. Additionally, they are sensitive during transportation and may need extra care during acclimatization.

Reef Suitability

Stethojulis trilineata is considered reef compatible and is generally peaceful, although they may exhibit aggression towards similar species. Their diet should include small crustaceans and zooplankton to ensure proper nutrition.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the needs of Three-lined rainbowfish, aquarists should provide a tank with a deep sand substrate (at least 2 inches) for burrowing. Hiding places among live rocks are essential, along with a variety of foods like krill, mysis, and cyclops to meet their dietary requirements.


These rainbowfish can exhibit shy and docile behavior, especially when housed with non-aggressive tank mates. When threatened or in need of rest, they may bury themselves in the sand.

Feeding and Diet

Feeding Stethojulis trilineata a diverse diet consisting of small crustaceans and zooplankton is essential for their health and well-being. They can consume various frozen foods like Mysis, Artemia, and cyclops but may pose a threat to small invertebrates in the aquarium.


Stethojulis trilineata can change gender from female to male when necessary. They may form pairs and should be introduced simultaneously to coexist harmoniously in the aquarium.

Habitat and Distribution

These rainbowfish are native to the Indo-West Pacific region, ranging from the Red Sea to Australia. Their natural habitat includes a wide expanse of coral reefs and sandy substrates where they can forage for food and seek shelter.


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