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Minimum Tank Size340 litres / 89.82 US gallons
Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse, scientifically known as Cirrhilabrus isosceles, hails from the waters spanning Japan to the Philippines. This serene wrasse species is typically found dwelling in rubble areas situated on the outer reefs, showcasing a stunning palette of pastel hues such as pink, yellow, and orange. Male Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasses exhibit heightened coloration during courtship displays, which can fluctuate based on their emotional state.

Aquarium Suitability

This peaceful and vibrant wrasse is exceptionally well-suited for both fish-only and reef aquariums with a capacity of 90 gallons or higher. Their amicable nature makes them a splendid addition to any marine setup, as they coexist harmoniously with corals and invertebrates. To prevent accidental leaps, it is advisable to have a secure canopy in place due to the wrasse's jumping tendencies.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

The Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse boasts an easy-care level, thriving in marine environments with stable water parameters. With a minimum tank size requirement of 340 liters, they fare well in conditions comprising a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) between 8-12.

Reef Suitability

Highly compatible with reef settings, this wrasse species poses no threat to the delicate balance of coral and invertebrate life within a reef aquarium. Their peaceful demeanor and stunning coloration make them a coveted choice for reef enthusiasts seeking a visually appealing and tranquil marine community.

Aquarium Setup

Creating an ideal habitat for the Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse entails providing ample swimming space within a well-decorated tank. Incorporating live rock structures and potential hiding spots can mimic their natural habitat, fostering a sense of security for these active swimmers.


Known for their peaceful temperament, these wrasses exhibit high activity levels within the aquarium, adding movement and vibrancy to the aquatic landscape. When kept in a community setting, they showcase social behaviors amongst their kind and with compatible tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

Being carnivorous by nature, the diet of the Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse should include a variety of vitamin-enriched frozen foods like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, alongside high-quality marine flakes and pellets. To sustain their energy levels, feeding multiple times a day is recommended to accommodate their energetic disposition.


In captivity, distinguishing between male and female Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasses is facilitated by observing the males' intensified coloration during courtship. Males can be housed with a group of females, with proper introduction protocols considered for compatibility and peaceful cohabitation.

Habitat and Distribution

Natural habitats for the Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse encompass the rubble areas associated with outer reefs spanning regions from Japan to the Philippines. Their preference for these marine environments aligns with their peaceful nature, thriving alongside diverse coral and invertebrate species indigenous to these waters.


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