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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size10.2cm / 4.02inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Neon Dottyback, scientifically known as Pseudochromis aldabraensis, is a visually striking fish featuring a beautiful yellow/orange body adorned with neon blue stripes along its dorsal fin, gill cover, and tail. This species, once commonly sourced from the Persian Gulf, is now predominantly captive-bred due to decreased wild harvesting.

Aquarium Suitability

With an easy care level, the Neon Dottyback thrives in aquariums of at least 30 gallons or larger, provided with ample hiding spots. It is best housed with moderately aggressive larger fish and may prey on ornamental shrimp while serving as an effective predator against bristleworms in reef tank setups.


Being a semi-aggressive species, the Neon Dottyback exhibits an adaptable temperament within established parameters. It requires stable water conditions with a pH ranging from 8.1 to 8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) level between 8-12.

Care and Hardiness

Renowned for its ease of care, the Neon Dottyback thrives in home aquariums with minimal hassle. Regular feeding with a varied carnivorous diet tailored for its nutritional needs ensures its health and longevity.

Reef Suitability

The Neon Dottyback is well-suited for reef aquariums, where it can comfortably coexist with other reef inhabitants. Its reef-compatible nature, combined with its contribution to pest control via bristleworm predation, makes it a valuable addition to coral reef systems.

Aquarium Setup

Optimal aquarium setup for the Neon Dottyback involves providing numerous hiding places within a well-aerated, 30-gallon or larger tank. Ensuring water quality parameters are consistently maintained at appropriate levels, including temperature, pH, and salinity, further promotes the species' well-being.


The Neon Dottyback exhibits semi-aggressive behavior, particularly towards smaller tank mates. It is recommended to house this species alongside larger, semi-aggressive fish to prevent territorial conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

This carnivorous species should be fed a diverse diet specifically formulated for carnivores to meet its nutritional requirements adequately. In a reef setting, feeding the Neon Dottyback once daily supports its health and vitality.

Habitat and Distribution

The Neon Dottyback is native to the waters around the Aldabra Atoll in the Indian Ocean. Its natural habitat includes coral reefs where it can hunt for small crustaceans and other prey. In captivity, replicating a reef-like environment with suitable hiding spots and prey options enhances the well-being of this vibrant fish.


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