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Minimum Tank Size900 litres / 237.75 US gallons
Maximum Size40.0cm / 15.75inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Long-barbel Goatfish, scientifically known as Parupeneus macronemus, belongs to the Mullidae family, characterized by their distinctive "beard" used for foraging in the sand for food. These fish are found in the Indo-West Pacific region, from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf to South Africa, extending eastwards to Indonesia and the Philippines.

Aquarium Suitability

For aquarists considering keeping the Long-barbel Goatfish, experience, preparation, and extra care are required due to their specific demands. They are not well-suited for aquarium life, often facing issues such as malnutrition leading to premature death. These fish need a varied diet fed 4-5 times daily to mimic their natural foraging behavior. It can be challenging to meet their dietary needs once they deplete the aquarium's natural food sources, making consistent feeding a necessity.

Care and Hardiness

The Long-barbel Goatfish, with an average hardiness level, requires a large tank of at least 900 liters due to their swimming habits and space requirements. They are known to be shy and docile, caution should be exercised when housing them with more aggressive tankmates. Providing ample hiding spots such as live rocks is essential for their well-being.

Reef Suitability

With caution, the Long-barbel Goatfish is deemed reef-safe, meaning they can coexist in a reef setup but may pose a threat to small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates due to their predatory nature.

Aquarium Setup

Setting up the aquarium for the Long-barbel Goatfish involves ensuring a large open area with both sand and coral gravel to replicate their natural habitat. Hiding spots among live rocks should be provided, along with ample space for swimming.


Docile in temperament, these fish are known to be shy and prefer to hide among rocks. However, they are also active swimmers, requiring a well-spaced environment to thrive.

Feeding and Diet

The Long-barbel Goatfish sustains on a diet comprising fish, larger crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, other invertebrates, small crustaceans such as krill and artemia, and zooplankton like Cyclops and pods. They need frequent feeding several times a day, especially when first introduced to the tank, but the frequency can reduce once they start foraging for natural food.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, these fish are commonly found in the East and West Indian Oceans, Australia, the Red Sea, Indonesia, and the Central to West Pacific regions. They thrive in sandy areas where they can use their barbels to sift through the substrate for food.


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