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Minimum Tank Size1200 litres / 317.01 US gallons
Maximum Size16.0cm / 6.30inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Japanese goatfish (Upeneus japonicus), belonging to the Mullidae family, is characterized by its unique "beard" used for foraging in sand. This species, native to Japan, can grow up to 16.0cm in size and is known for its docile temperament.

Aquarium Suitability

Requiring a minimum tank size of 1200 liters, the Japanese goatfish is best suited for experienced aquarists willing to provide extra care and preparation due to its specific dietary demands. They can be challenging to keep alive long-term in captivity, often succumbing to malnutrition unless fed a varied diet 4-5 times daily.

Care and Hardiness

Considered to have average hardiness, the Japanese goatfish is docile but shy, needing caution when housed with more aggressive tank mates. These fish are avid swimmers, necessitating a tank with sufficient space for them to roam and explore.

Reef Suitability

Categorized as reef safe with caution, the Japanese goatfish may pose a threat to small fish, shrimps, bivalves, worms, and snails in a reef environment due to its predatory nature.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the Japanese goatfish's natural behavior, an aquarium should feature a large open area with a mix of sand and coral gravel. Regular feeding, along with ample hiding spots and swimming space, is essential to mimic its natural habitat.


This species is known to search through sand for food, which can stir up detritus and make the water cloudy. In captivity, their natural food sources in the sand are quickly depleted, necessitating frequent feedings to meet their dietary needs.

Feeding and Diet

The Japanese goatfish has a diverse diet that includes fish, larger crustaceans, other invertebrates, small crustaceans, and zooplankton. Maintaining their nutritional requirements can be challenging as they consume natural food sources rapidly in the aquarium.

Habitat and Distribution

Typically found in Japan, the Japanese goatfish inhabits sandy areas where it uses its specialized "beard" to forage for food. This species requires a well-maintained aquarium environment to thrive, ensuring proper feeding and space for swimming.


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