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Minimum Tank Size600 litres / 158.50 US gallons
Maximum Size51.0cm / 20.08inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Whitespot moray (Muraena pavonina) is a species of moray eel belonging to the Muraenidae family. It is commonly found in the Western Atlantic, specifically in northeastern Brazil and the mid-Atlantic ridge, as well as in the Eastern Atlantic around Ascension Island. This species can reach a maximum size of 51.0cm and is known for its hardy nature.

Aquarium Suitability

Whitespot morays are considered suitable for aquariums with care. They require a minimum tank size of 600 liters and specific water conditions, with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. These eels are known to be escape specialists, capable of moving loose lids and glass covers, so a secure tank setup is essential.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

Being hardy creatures, Whitespot morays can adapt well to aquarium life if their needs are met. They have a temperament that may verge on aggression towards similar species, so it is important to provide them with ample hiding spaces among live rocks. Feeding them a varied diet including fish and larger crustaceans every 3-4 days is crucial to their well-being.

Reef Suitability

While Whitespot morays are listed as reef safe with caution, they may pose a threat to smaller fish, shrimp, and crabs due to their predatory nature. Care must be taken when housing them in a reef aquarium to ensure the safety of other tank inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

Setting up an aquarium for Whitespot morays involves providing secure hiding places within live rocks and ensuring that rocks and substrate are firmly secured to prevent the eels from toppling them over. Due to their ability to escape easily, tight tank closures are necessary to contain these eels.


Whitespot morays have a habit of rearranging rocks and sand in their environment. They can exhibit aggressive behavior towards similar species, so it is recommended to house them with larger fish in spacious tanks to prevent conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

These eels should be fed a large meal every 3-4 days to prevent overeating. They may initially be hesitant to eat frozen foods, but offering live fish or shrimp can help stimulate their appetite. Providing a varied diet of raw and fresh whole shrimps or small fish is essential for their nutritional needs.

Habitat and Distribution

Whitespot morays are primarily found in the Mexican Gulf and other regions of the Western and Eastern Atlantic. They inhabit rocky crevices and coral reefs where they can hide and ambush prey. Their distribution ranges from northeastern Brazil to the mid-Atlantic ridge and around Ascension Island in the Eastern Atlantic.


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