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Maximum Size5.1cm / 2.01inches
Care DescriptionEasy - Moderate
Temperature23.3°C / 73.94°F - 28.9°C / 84.02°F
Carbonate Hardness12-30

General Description

The Fiddler Crab, scientifically known as Uca sp., is a captivating freshwater crustacean commonly referred to as the Mini Crab. This species is sought after by enthusiasts for its lively behavior and relatively manageable care requirements. With its striking red form and a maximum size of 5.1cm, the Fiddler Crab originates from brackish, inter-tidal mud flats, lagoons, and swamps in Florida.

Aquarium Setup

The Fiddler Crab's aquarium should mimic its natural habitat, featuring sandy substrate to create a beach area for basking above the waterline. Aquascaping with rocks, driftwood, and various decorations provides hiding spots and climbing opportunities. Adequate water quality, maintained by an internal filter, and a secure, tight-fitting cover to prevent escape are critical. Refer to the table for specific water condition requirements.


Known for its captivating antics, the Fiddler Crab is a peaceful species that thrives in an enriched environment. Particularly interesting is the courtship behavior of male Fiddler Crabs, who use their large, brightly colored claw to attract females by waving or "calling."

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivore, the Fiddler Crab enjoys a varied diet consisting of commercially prepared flakes, algae, freeze-dried bloodworms, and brine shrimp. Feeding these crustaceans a balanced diet results in optimal health and activity levels.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During mating season, male Fiddler Crabs showcase their vibrant claw to attract females, while the females possess two smaller claws. This display of dimorphism and courtship behaviors is a fascinating aspect of the Fiddler Crab's reproductive cycle.

Habitat and Distribution

This species thrives in brackish waters, primarily originating from the muddy flats, lagoons, and swamps of Florida. Creating a habitat that replicates these environments with access to both water and land areas is essential for the well-being of the Fiddler Crab.


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