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Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Indian Sea Star, scientifically known as Fromia indica, is a visually striking sea star species within the Ophidiasteridae family. With a maximum size reaching 12.7cm, these sea stars exhibit coloration ranging from deep red to orange, accentuated by a marbled pattern of lighter hues across their central disc and arms.

Aquarium Suitability

Indian Sea Stars are deemed suitable for aquariums, particularly for enthusiasts who appreciate their vibrant colors and intricate patterns. However, due to their moderate care requirements and sensitivity to water parameters, they are more suited for aquarists with some experience in marine aquarium keeping.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

These sea stars have moderate care demands, requiring a stable environment with consistent oxygen levels, salinity, and pH. Indian Sea Stars are intolerant of copper-based medications and rapid changes in water chemistry. The drip acclimation method is strongly recommended when introducing them to a new tank to prevent stress. They also thrive when supplemented with iodine and trace elements.

Reef Suitability

Indian Sea Stars are considered reef-compatible, making them a suitable addition to a reef aquarium setup. Their peaceful temperament allows them to coexist with various coral species and other invertebrates commonly found in reef environments.

Aquarium Setup

For successful care, an aquarium housing Indian Sea Stars should have ample live rock for foraging, as they feed on micro-organisms and detritus. Maintaining stable water conditions with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12 is crucial for their well-being.


These sea stars are typically solitary, but in larger aquariums, they can coexist with others of their kind. Indian Sea Stars are known to climb among corals and rocks in search of food, showcasing a peaceful demeanor within their aquatic habitat.

Feeding and Diet

Indian Sea Stars are omnivores that can be supplemented with small pieces of shrimp, mussel, or flaked food to maintain a balanced diet. The inclusion of varied food sources ensures that they receive essential nutrients necessary for their overall health.

Habitat and Distribution

Naturally inhabiting sandy substrates and rocky areas, Indian Sea Stars are commonly found in the wild foraging for food amidst corals and other marine invertebrates. Their distribution includes regions where suitable environmental conditions prevail, allowing them to thrive in diverse marine ecosystems.


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