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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size16.0cm / 6.30inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with luck
TemperamentMostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description
The Red Stripe Angelfish, scientifically known as Centropyge eibli, belongs to the family Pomacanthidae. These Dwarf Angelfish are renowned for their vibrant colors, making them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. They typically grow to about 10 cm, with some individuals reaching up to 18 cm in length. Notably, they are not considered reef safe due to their tendency to feed on coral mucus, which can harm certain species like LPS, Zoanthus, and clams. However, some species of Dwarf Angelfish may coexist with corals if chosen carefully.

Aquarium Suitability (Suitable with Care)
The Red Stripe Angelfish are suitable for aquariums, but caution is advised due to their potential coral-eating habits. They require a tank size of at least 300 liters and thrive in a well-established aquarium with ample hiding spots, especially when newly introduced. While mostly peaceful, they may exhibit aggression towards similar species, so compatibility should be considered when selecting tank mates.

Care and Hardiness
With an average level of hardiness, these Angelfish are relatively easy to care for given the right conditions. They primarily feed on microalgae, detritus, and small crustaceans, with a recommended diet that includes Spirulina, nori, and fresh vegetables. Maintaining high water quality is crucial, and they thrive in environments with pH levels between 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C.

Reef Suitability
Considered reef safe with luck, the Red Stripe Angelfish can be part of a mixed coral aquarium if certain corals like Hammer corals, Bubble corals, and Disc anemones are chosen. While they may not harm most SPS corals, caution is advised when introducing them to coral-rich environments due to their potential coral consumption habits.

Aquarium Setup
To create an ideal habitat for Red Stripe Angelfish, provide a well-run aquarium with ample algae growth on rocks for grazing. Additional feeding of algae-rich foods like Spirulina is recommended if natural algae levels are insufficient. Ensuring a variety in the diet and offering hiding places in the tank will help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

These Dwarf Angelfish are mostly peaceful but may display territorial behavior, especially towards individuals of similar size and pattern. Introducing fish of varying sizes and patterns can help minimize conflicts in a tank with multiple Angelfish species. It is advisable to observe and manage their interactions to ensure a harmonious tank environment.

Feeding and Diet
Red Stripe Angelfish primarily feed on microalgae, small crustaceans, and detritus in their natural habitat. In captivity, a diet rich in Spirulina, nori, and fresh vegetables is recommended to meet their nutritional needs. Varied feeding regimes and supplementation with algae-rich foods are essential for their health and growth.

Habitat and Distribution
These Angelfish are native to the Indo-West Pacific region, specifically ranging from Sri Lanka to the eastern Indo-Malaya region. They are commonly found in coral-rich environments with abundant microalgae, where they play a role in the ecosystem by grazing on algae and detritus.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction
Red Stripe Angelfish are hermaphroditic, with the ability to change gender from female to male when necessary. This species can reproduce in captivity under the right conditions, but specific information on captive breeding practices is limited. Understanding their reproductive behavior and providing suitable breeding environments can potentially lead to successful captive reproduction.


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