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Minimum Tank Size700 litres / 184.92 US gallons
Maximum Size18.0cm / 7.09inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:The Spotbreast Angelfish, scientifically known as Genicanthus melanospilos, belongs to the Pomacanthidae family. These Angelfish are recognized for their lyre-like tails and unique feeding habits, hunting zooplankton in open waters. In addition to zooplankton, they consume microalgae, fish eggs, and small invertebrates. Unlike many other Angelfish species, Spotbreast Angelfish are suitable for coral aquariums as they typically do not feed on corals, although they may occasionally target Xenia or similar species. There are noticeable differences between male and female Spotbreast Angelfish, and they often form pairs with harmonious interactions.

Aquarium Suitability:Spotbreast Angelfish are considered suitable for most aquariums, provided proper care is given. They require a well-established tank with ample space for swimming and hiding places within live rocks. This species does best as a pair consisting of one male and one female or a male with several females. Regular and varied feeding is essential, as they feed on larger crustaceans, microalgae, and small crustaceans like krill and mysis.

Care and Hardiness:Spotbreast Angelfish are known to be hardy, but their needs should be met to thrive in captivity. Frequent feeding several times a day, especially upon introduction to a new environment, is crucial. They prefer dimmed light initially, as they are accustomed to faint light in their natural habitat. These fish can change gender from female to male when required, with females even transforming into males in the presence of competition.

Reef Suitability:Reef compatibility with Spotbreast Angelfish is marked as "reef safe with caution." While they are generally compatible with reef environments, careful monitoring is advisable to prevent them from causing harm to corals and other reef inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup:For setting up an aquarium for Spotbreast Angelfish, providing a well-established environment with sufficient algae for grazing on rocks and stones is essential. If natural algae levels are insufficient, a diet high in algae content like Spirulina can be supplemented. The tank should have ample space for swimming and multiple hiding spots, such as live rocks, to ensure the fish feel secure.

Behaviour:Spotbreast Angelfish may exhibit aggression towards similar species, especially males towards each other. However, females typically coexist peacefully, even with individuals of other species. It is recommended to introduce all angelfish to the tank simultaneously to minimize aggression.

Feeding and Diet:A varied diet consisting of larger crustaceans, microalgae like Spirulina, and small crustaceans such as krill is ideal for the Spotbreast Angelfish. They should be fed multiple times a day, especially upon initial introduction, and given a diet that mimics their natural feeding habits to ensure optimal health.

Dimorphism:Spotbreast Angelfish exhibit dimorphism with noticeable differences between males and females. Females have the ability to change into males, especially in the presence of competition, ensuring a flexible and adaptive social structure within a group of these fish.

Habitat and Distribution:These Angelfish are native to the Western Pacific, ranging from Indonesia to Fiji, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Rowley Shoals in the eastern Indian Ocean, and New Caledonia. Recently, they have also been recorded in Tonga. Spotbreast Angelfish typically inhabit deep waters, which can make them more prone to injury during capture, with females tending to be more resilient in such situations.


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