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Minimum Tank Size900 litres / 237.75 US gallons
Maximum Size45.0cm / 17.72inches
Reef CompatibleNot reef safe
TemperamentAggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Queen Angelfish, belonging to the Pomacanthidae family, is characterized by its large size, vibrant colors, and striking appearance. Typically reaching sizes of up to 45.0cm, these fish are known for their beauty and elegance. Their habitat in the Mexican Gulf contributes to their unique characteristics.

Aquarium Suitability

Considered suitable for aquariums with caution, the Queen Angelfish demands specific care due to their aggressive nature. They can be hostile towards other docile fish species and have a tendency to nibble at clams, particularly those of the Tridacna species. Adequate feeding, ample hiding spots, and a spacious environment can help mitigate their aggressive behavior to some extent.

Demands, Care and Hardiness

Categorized as having average hardiness, the Queen Angelfish requires a well-established aquarium with algae-rich rocks for grazing. They need a varied diet that includes algae-based foods to maintain a healthy immune system. These fish thrive in an environment with high water quality, where they can feed multiple times a day, especially when newly introduced.

Reef Suitability

Not considered reef-safe, the Queen Angelfish is known to prey on soft corals and LPS, making it challenging to house them with coral species. However, selected corals such as Hammer corals, Bubble corals, Star polyps, and Disc anemones may coexist with them in a mixed coral setup. Most SPS corals are usually safe from being consumed by these angelfish.

Aquarium Setup

To house Queen Angelfish, it is essential to provide a spacious aquarium of at least 900 liters with plenty of hiding places like live rocks. Maintaining a well-run tank where the fish can graze on algae is crucial for their overall well-being. Adequate space for swimming should also be a priority when setting up the aquarium.


Known for their aggressive temperament, Queen Angelfish can exhibit quarrelsome behavior, especially towards conspecifics and peaceful fish species. It is recommended to introduce them to the tank in a specific order, starting with the least aggressive individuals first.

Feeding and Diet

Their recommended diet includes larger crustaceans, macroalgae like seaweed and nori, microalgae such as spirulina, small crustaceans, and sponges. Regular feeding with a diverse diet is essential for maintaining the health and vitality of Queen Angelfish.


Queen Angelfish exhibit no significant dimorphism, but their aggressive behavior can vary in intensity among individuals, influencing their compatibility in a shared aquarium. In captivity, successful reproduction has been achieved with proper care and environmental conditions to mimic their natural habitat.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Mexican Gulf, Queen Angelfish are commonly found in coastal areas with rich coral formations and rocky outcrops. Their natural habitat influences their dietary preferences and social behavior, making it crucial for aquarists to replicate these conditions in a captive setting.


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