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Minimum Tank Size264 litres / 69.74 US gallons
Maximum Size11.4cm / 4.49inches
Reef CompatibleWith Caution
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Joculator Angelfish (Centropyge joculator), also known as the Yellowhead Angelfish, is a stunning dwarf marine angelfish that can reach sizes of 3 inches or more. Native to the Christmas Islands and Cocos-Keeling Islands in the Eastern Indian Ocean, this vibrant fish is characterized by its blue ringed eyes and electric blue accents on its dorsal and anal fins.

Aquarium Suitability

Suitable for aquariums, the Joculator Angelfish requires a minimum tank size of 70 gallons with ample live rock and open swimming spaces. Care must be taken when introducing corals and clams, as the Joculator Angelfish may nip at them. This species is intolerant of conspecifics and similar-looking fish, such as the Bicolor Angelfish or Rock Beauty Angelfish.

Demands, Care and Hardiness

With a moderate care level, the Joculator Angelfish should be fed 2 to 3 times daily to prevent nipping behavior. A diet consisting of enriched frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, and quality marine angelfish food is recommended. This species thrives in water conditions with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12.

Reef Suitability

The Joculator Angelfish can be kept in a reef aquarium with caution. Due to its tendency to nip at corals and clams, careful observation and proper feeding are crucial to maintain a harmonious reef environment.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Joculator Angelfish, ensure it has a minimum capacity of 70 gallons and is well-aerated with live rock structures providing hiding spots and grazing surfaces. Maintain stable water parameters and proper filtration to support the health and well-being of this colorful angelfish.


Possessing a semi-aggressive temperament, the Joculator Angelfish may exhibit territorial behavior towards conspecifics or similar-looking species. Observation and understanding of its interactions with tank mates are essential in preventing aggression in the aquarium environment.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Joculator Angelfish thrives on a diet rich in frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, and specially formulated marine angelfish food. Regular feedings throughout the day help curb potential coral or clam nipping behavior.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Christmas Islands and Cocos-Keeling Islands in the Eastern Indian Ocean, the Joculator Angelfish inhabits coral reefs and lagoons with rich biodiversity. Its vibrant colors and unique features make it a prized addition to marine aquariums worldwide.


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