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Minimum Tank Size100 litres / 26.42 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Clarkii Clownfish, scientifically known as Amphiprion clarkii, belongs to the Pomacentridae family. These fish, commonly referred to as Yellowtail Clownfish or Clark's Anemonefish, can be found in the Indo-West Pacific region, from the Persian Gulf to Western Australia. They are distinguishable by their brown bodies with two wide white bands and a thin band at the caudal fin.

Aquarium Suitability

The Clarkii Clownfish is considered suitable for most aquarium setups. They are known to be hardy fish, adaptable to aquarium life, but can display aggression towards similar species, especially when it comes to defending their territory.

Care and Hardiness

These clownfish are hardy creatures, able to adapt well to aquarium conditions. They thrive in pairs, with the female typically being larger, and may exhibit territorial behavior towards their own species. They prefer to have their own space and can be aggressive towards most approaching fishes.

Reef Suitability

The Clarkii Clownfish is always considered reef-safe. They can be a good choice for reef aquariums but may display aggression towards other fish that encroach upon their territory.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Clarkii Clownfish, it is important to provide them with hiding spots and potentially anemones as they tend to feel most secure in such environments. Maintaining water conditions with a pH level of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12 dKH is ideal for their well-being.


Clarkii Clownfish are known to exhibit territorial behavior and can be aggressive towards other fish that come too close to their hiding places. They typically form pairs, with fascinating social behaviors, especially when carrying eggs.

Feeding and Diet

Their recommended diet includes microalgae, small crustaceans such as krill and mysis, and zooplankton. Feeding them multiple times a day with a variety of foods ensures their nutritional needs are met in captivity.


These fish are hermaphrodites, with the ability to change from male to female, where the female is typically larger in size. Captive breeding of the Clarkii Clownfish is possible, making them a sustainable choice for aquarium enthusiasts.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Clarkii Clownfish are found in the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, and Indonesia. They are commonly associated with sea anemones but can adapt to other hiding spots in captivity, such as corals like Hammercoral or Xenia.


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