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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
TemperamentAggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Blue Chromis (Chromis cyanea) belongs to the Pomacentridae family and is characterized by its shiny blue and green coloration. These fish are often found in large shoals, especially when young, but may become more territorial and aggressive as they mature. They are known to be less aggressive compared to other species in the Pomacentridae family.

Aquarium Suitability:

Blue Chromis are suitable for most aquarium setups but are known to be aggressive towards similar species. They prefer to have their own territory and may exhibit territorial behavior towards other fishes.


Blue Chromis have average hardiness and are recommended to be acclimatized to aquarium conditions when young. They are happiest when kept as a pair or in a shoal, ideally with one male to five or more females. These fish require hiding places, especially when newly introduced, and need to be fed with a varied diet consisting of small crustaceans and zooplankton.

Care and Hardiness:

Blue Chromis are sensitive during transportation and acclimatizing into the aquarium. They thrive in a tank size of at least 300 liters and prefer water conditions with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12.

Reef Suitability:

Blue Chromis are always reef safe, making them an excellent choice for reef aquarium setups. They may exhibit aggression towards other fish that get too close to their hiding places, especially when they have an anemone or are carrying eggs.

Aquarium Setup:

When setting up an aquarium for Blue Chromis, it is important to provide hiding places, especially for newly introduced individuals. Ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate their territorial behavior and aggressive tendencies towards similar species. Additionally, maintaining a varied diet and monitoring water quality are essential for their well-being.


Blue Chromis are known for their territorial behavior and aggression towards most approaching fishes. They enjoy having their own territory and may become more aggressive towards each other, especially as they mature. It is recommended to observe their interactions closely and provide sufficient space for each individual in the aquarium.

Feeding and Diet:

Blue Chromis feed on small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia, as well as zooplankton such as cyclops and pods. They must be fed several times a day to meet their dietary requirements and maintain their health in a captive environment.


Blue Chromis may exhibit dimorphism, with potentially different appearances between males and females. Captive reproduction of Blue Chromis may be possible under the right conditions, but specific details on dimorphism and breeding in captivity are not specified.

Habitat and Distribution:

Blue Chromis are found in the Western Atlantic, including regions like Bermuda, southern Florida (USA), and the Caribbean Sea. They inhabit areas with stony corals like Acropora and may seek shelter in anemones for protection. These fish are commonly seen in shoals, especially in their natural habitat, and display territorial behavior to establish their own territory within the coral reefs.


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