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Minimum Tank Size100 litres / 26.42 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Reef CompatibleAlways reef safe
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Andaman damsel (Pomacentrus alleni) is a species of Damselfish belonging to the Pomacentridae family. This colorful fish is native to the East Indian Ocean, specifically found around Similan Island, Thailand, and reported in Indonesia. With a maximum size of 6.0cm, the Andaman damsel displays an average hardiness level and a docile temperament.

Aquarium Suitability

The Andaman damsel is considered suitable for most aquarium setups, thriving best when kept in groups of five or more individuals. This species is known to be very shy and docile, making it essential to be cautious when housing it with more aggressive tank mates. It is recommended to offer good hiding places like live rocks to help the species feel secure and reduce stress. Additionally, the Andaman damsel can be sensitive during transportation and acclimatization, requiring careful handling during these processes.

Care and Hardiness

This species of damselfish is known to change color when frightened, typically turning pale or brownish. To ensure their well-being, maintaining stable water conditions with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a temperature of 22.2-25.6°C, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025 is crucial. The Andaman damsel prefers a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12.

Reef Suitability

The Andaman damsel is classified as always reef safe, making it an excellent choice for reef aquariums. However, being territorial by nature, it is recommended to keep only one Andaman damsel per tank unless housed in a spacious aquarium to minimize territorial conflicts.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Andaman damsel, a minimum tank size of 100 liters is suggested to accommodate its swimming space and group preferences. Providing live rocks for hiding and swimming through, as well as a variety of spaces for exploration, enhances the habitat for this species.


Known for their docile temperament, Andaman damsels prefer living in groups and can exhibit social behaviors within their shoals. It is advisable to observe their interactions with tank mates closely to prevent any aggressive encounters, especially in smaller tank setups.

Feeding and Diet

The Andaman damsel sustains itself on a diet consisting of small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia, along with zooplankton such as cyclops and pods. Regular feeding routines comprising multiple feedings a day can help maintain the health and vitality of this species.


Information on dimorphism for the Andaman damsel is not specified. If intending to breed this species in captivity, further research and specific care guidelines would be required.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is primarily found in the East Indian Ocean, particularly around Similan Island, Thailand, and reported locations in Indonesia. The Andaman damsel thrives in the natural reef environments typical of its native habitats, making it well-suited for reef aquarium setups.


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