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Minimum Tank Size600 litres / 158.50 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Reef CompatibleOften reef safe
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Green Parrotfish, also known as the Greenblotch Parrotfish or Quoy's Parrotfish, belongs to the family Scaridae within the genus Scarus. These fish are native to the Indo-West Pacific region, ranging from India to Vanuatu, and north to the Ryukyu Islands, with a southern limit of New Caledonia. The species Scarus quoyi typically dominates home aquariums among parrotfish species.

Aquarium Suitability:

Considered suitable for aquariums with caution, the Green Parrotfish demands a spacious environment owing to its potential adult size. While specifics on tank size are challenging to pinpoint, these fish generally outgrow typical home aquarium capacities.


Being hardy in nature, the Green Parrotfish is well-suited for aquarists seeking resilient additions to their tanks. These species have voracious appetites, primarily thriving on algae-based diets and requiring good filtration to maintain water quality.

Care and Hardiness:

This species exhibits a peaceful temperament, ideal for community tanks. They are effective algae-eaters, with a preference for macroalgae like seaweed and microalgae such as spirulina. Their hermaphroditic nature allows them to change gender from female to male as needed.

Reef Suitability:

The Green Parrotfish is generally considered reef-safe, thus making them a potential addition to reef aquarium setups. Their algae-eating habits can be beneficial for maintaining a balanced reef ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup:

Aquariums housing Green Parrotfish should provide ample swimming space due to their active nature. Incorporating plenty of algae-covered rocks will mimic their natural habitat and support their grazing behavior. Maintaining water parameters within the ranges of pH 8.1-8.4, temperature between 22.2-25.6°C, and salinity of 1.020-1.025 is crucial for their well-being.


Known for their playful and intriguing personalities, Green Parrotfish can add vibrancy to the aquarium environment. These fish have a habit of constructing mucus cocoons between stones for sleeping, showcasing their unique behaviors.

Feeding and Diet:

Their diet mainly consists of algae-based foods, and including a variety of frozen options can provide essential nutrients for their overall health. Ensuring a balanced diet that caters to their algae-eating tendencies is vital for the Green Parrotfish's longevity.


Apart from their distinctive coloration, Green Parrotfish can undergo gender changes from female to male. This adaptability enhances their breeding potential in captivity.

Habitat and Distribution:

Naturally distributed across the East and West Indian Ocean, Australia, and Indonesia, the Green Parrotfish inhabits coral reefs where they feed on algae, contributing to the reef ecosystem's balance and health.


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