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Minimum Tank SizeUnknown
Maximum Size61.0cm / 24.02inches
Reef CompatibleUnknown
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Queen parrotfish (Scarus vetula) belongs to the Scaridae family, known for being effective algae eaters on reefs. They have a maximum size of 61.0cm and are primarily found in the Western Central Atlantic, spanning from Bermuda to northern South America.

Aquarium Suitability

Queen parrotfish are not suitable for home aquariums due to their large size and heavy feeding demands. They require ample space for swimming and grazing, making them better suited for larger public displays or specialized facilities.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

With an average hardiness level, Queen parrotfish are known for their herbivorous diet that includes macroalgae like seaweed and microalgae such as spirulina. They have a peaceful temperament but need a tank with excellent filtration due to their voracious appetite for algae.

Reef Suitability

Information on the reef compatibility of Queen parrotfish is unknown, but their natural habitat in coral reefs suggests they may fare well in a reef setting if provided with appropriate care and space.

Aquarium Setup

The aquarium setup for Queen parrotfish should include ample swimming space, rocky structures for hiding and sleeping in mucus cocoons, and abundant algae for grazing. Filtration should be robust to handle the heavy load of waste produced by these fish.


Queen parrotfish are known to have fun and interesting personalities, and they enjoy swimming freely in spacious tanks. As hermaphroditic creatures, they can change gender from female to male as needed.

Feeding and Diet

Their diet primarily consists of macroalgae and microalgae, with a preference for green hair algae and filamentous algae. In cases of algae outbreaks, specific information on their dietary preferences should be sought to maintain their health.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in the Mexican Gulf and the Western Central Atlantic, Queen parrotfish inhabit coral reefs from Florida to the Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean Sea. Their natural habitat provides them with plenty of algae to graze on, supporting their dietary needs and natural behavior.


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