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Minimum Tank Size700 litres / 184.92 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:The Jack-knifefish, scientifically known as Equetus lanceolatus, belongs to the Sciaenidae family. This species, also referred to as Drum or Jacknife-fish, is recognized for its lanceshaped ribbonfish appearance. Native to the Western Atlantic, they can be found from Bermuda and North Carolina, USA, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Drums/Croakers, a family of fish that communicate via water noises, are known for foraging in sand with their snouts and are mostly active at night, preferring to hide during the day.

Aquarium Suitability:Considered delicate, the Jack-knifefish demands a 700-liter tank at least. Being easily stressed, they should not be housed with competitive or aggressive species, warranting a docile tank mate selection. Acclimating best when young, they are ideal to introduce in pairs simultaneously and may initially hide upon acclimatization.

Care and Hardiness:Requiring frequent feeding, especially upon introduction, this species prefers larger crustaceans as part of their diet. Their delicate nature necessitates extra care during transportation and acclimatization. Providing hiding spots, like live rocks, is crucial for their well-being. Thriving with a rich microfauna population in the aquarium, they seek out their own food source when well-established.

Reef Suitability:Considered reef-safe with caution, the Jack-knifefish poses a threat to smaller crustaceans like shrimps and crabs due to its predatory nature.

Aquarium Setup:For a suitable aquarium setup, it is essential to maintain dim lighting to complement their nocturnal behavior. A well-established tank with ample hiding spots and a thriving microcosm of copepods and amphipods ensures their dietary needs are met. Providing hiding places such as live rocks adds to their sense of security.

Behaviour:These fish are known to sift through sand for food, potentially clouding the water and disrupting detritus. Furthermore, they exhibit a shy and docile temperament and are more active during dim lighting conditions.

Feeding and Diet:Challenging to feed, Jack-knifefish primarily require live food initially, with a potential transition to frozen offerings over time. Their diet includes larger and small crustaceans like shrimp, crabs, mysis, and artemia, catering to their predatory nature.

Dimorphism:With regards to dimorphism, if present, specific characteristics distinguishing genders are not highlighted in the provided information.

Habitat and Distribution:Jack-knifefish are commonly found in the Mexican Gulf and the western Atlantic region, from Bermuda to Brazil, dwelling in sandy substrates and preying on various invertebrates and zooplankton.


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