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Minimum Tank Size100 litres / 26.42 US gallons
Maximum Size23.0cm / 9.06inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Eschmeyer's scorpionfish, also known as Rhinopias eschmeyeri, is a highly venomous and exclusive species within the Scorpaenidae family. It is characterized by its unique appearance and behavior, sporting venomous spines that make it a fascinating yet potentially dangerous addition to an aquarium.

Aquarium Suitability

Aquarists need to exercise caution when considering Eschmeyer's scorpionfish for their tank due to its highly venomous nature. It is recommended that only experienced individuals with proper preparation and willingness to provide extra care should keep this species, ensuring safety for both the hobbyist and their surroundings due to the risk of poisoning.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

This delicate species is susceptible to infections, emphasizing the importance of familiarity with treating various diseases. Eschmeyer's scorpionfish has a low hardiness level, making it crucial for aquarists to maintain stable water conditions, including a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C, a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness of 8-12 dKH.

Reef Suitability

While Eschmeyer's scorpionfish can be considered reef-safe with caution, its venomous nature and predatory behavior should be taken into account when introducing it to a reef environment. Careful consideration of tank mates is necessary to prevent any harm to other inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

Aquariums for Eschmeyer's scorpionfish should be equipped with a suitable substrate that resembles its natural habitat, such as coral gravel or fine sand. Maintaining a tank size of at least 100 liters is recommended, with proper hiding spots and minimalistic décor to facilitate the fish's well-being.


This peaceful species exhibits specific feeding behaviors, preferring live prey such as fish or shrimp. Aquarists should be cautious when handling Eschmeyer's scorpionfish due to its venomous spines, making it essential to avoid potential injuries during tank maintenance.

Feeding and Diet

Eschmeyer's scorpionfish thrives on a diet of live fish and larger crustaceans, requiring nutritious and varied meals to ensure optimal health. Offerings should be whole and preferably live, with suitable options including Mollies, Guppies, and Ghost shrimp that are well-fed with nutritious supplements.

Habitat and Distribution

Natively found in the Indo-West Pacific, including regions like the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, and New Zealand, Eschmeyer's scorpionfish inhabits shallow tropical waters characterized by coral reefs and rocky crevices. As a venomous predator, this species plays a vital role in its underwater ecosystem, preying on smaller fish and crustaceans for sustenance.


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