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Minimum Tank Size189 litres / 49.93 US gallons
Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
Reef CompatibleNo
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Orangebanded Stingfish, scientifically known as Choridactylus multibarbus, is a strikingly colored fish with a unique appearance that is sure to captivate aquarium enthusiasts. Spanning up to 12.7cm in length, this species boasts a distinctive orange coloration that sets it apart from other marine inhabitants. Notably, their pectoral rays resemble claws, aiding them in both capturing prey and navigating the muddy sea floor where they reside.

Aquarium Suitability

Given their carnivorous nature and aggressive temperament, the Orangebanded Stingfish is best suited for experienced hobbyists with a keen eye for the extraordinary. To ensure their well-being, a spacious aquarium of at least 189 liters is recommended, providing ample room for the fish to bury itself in the substrate. It is crucial to select tank mates that are not vulnerable to predation due to the Orangebanded Stingfish's vacuum-like mouth and aggressive tendencies.

Care and Hardiness

Moderate care requirements are necessary for the Orangebanded Stingfish to thrive in a captive environment. These fish are capable of adapting to prepared foods, making them relatively manageable to feed. However, caution is advised as their dorsal, pelvic, and anal spines possess the ability to deliver a painful and potentially harmful sting, warranting careful handling during maintenance and interactions.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility is not a characteristic of the Orangebanded Stingfish, as their predatory behavior and habitat preferences make them unsuitable for thriving within a reef ecosystem. Hobbyists with established reef tanks should exercise caution when considering introducing this species, as their aggressive nature may disrupt the harmony of the existing coral and invertebrate inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

Creating a suitable environment for the Orangebanded Stingfish involves providing ample substrate for burrowing, mimicking their natural habitat. A coral- and reef-free tank with stable water conditions within the parameters of a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness of 8-12 dKH is conducive to their well-being.


Displaying an aggressive temperament, the Orangebanded Stingfish should be housed with caution alongside compatible tank mates that can withstand their predatory tendencies. Their hunting and burrowing behavior adds an intriguing dynamic to the aquarium, making them a fascinating species to observe for enthusiasts seeking a unique addition to their underwater community.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivorous hunters, the Orangebanded Stingfish primarily subsists on a diet of live ghost shrimp, gradually transitioning to frozen or thawed mysis shrimp. Feeding should be carried out thoughtfully to prevent overfeeding and maintain the health of the fish. Providing a varied diet is key to ensuring the nutritional needs of these captivating creatures are met in captivity.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Orangebanded Stingfish can be found dwelling in muddy sea floors, camouflaging themselves among the substrate to ambush prey. Their distribution ranges across specific regions, highlighting the importance of replicating these environmental conditions in captivity to promote their overall well-being and behavioral patterns.


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